KAS Publicity Leaflet

Members will be interested to learn that a new leaflet publicising the Society has been designed and will shortly be available for distribution. Copies will be deposited in Libraries, Museums etc. and it is hoped that K.A.S. membership will be increased by this means.

The Hon. Editor of the Newsletter welcomes all letters, articles and communications and would particularly like to receive more from members and others, especially such as illustrations, or research information, as well as books helpful in identifying objects, understanding points and following arguments.

The Editor, however, wishes to draw the readers' attention to the fact that neither the Council of the K.A.S. nor the Editor is answerable for the opinions, attitudes or views which contributors may express in the course of their signed articles.

Each author is solely responsible for the contents and substance of their letters, items or papers. Material for the next Newsletter should be sent by 1st November 1989 to Hon. Editor, Nesta Caiger.




KAS Newsletter, Issue 13, Spring 1988