Kent Archives

[pg4]KAS members will be pleased to learn that considerable changes have been taking place within the Kent Archive Service which will greatly enhance the service already available to researchers.

The Canterbury Cathedral Library has been merged with the East Kent Archives Service, its headquarters being retained in the Precincts, Canterbury. Changes have been made to the interior of the search room and the lighting and heating have been improved. The catalogues have been increased and the card index, etc. updated and made more easily accessible.

It is hoped that within the next year microfilm viewing and printout facilities will be available. All the parish registers for the Diocese of Canterbury should be available on film soon, whether the original registers are deposited in Canterbury or Maidstone. Visitors are still required to book a ticket in order to be sure of a place.

Good news also is that after considerable delays over the last twelve months, the Medway Area Archives Office at Strood Civic Centre is now nearing completion. The Kent Archives Service will supply staff and servicing, and the cost will be met by Rochester-upon-Medway City Council.

Among the collections to be transferred from Maidstone are the Parish records for the Medway area, Medway and Strood Union records, Watts Charity records, and numerous small collections, including hospital and school records. The Rochester City Archives were formerly held at the Rochester Museum, and the Senior Archives Assistant at the Museum, Pat Salter, will be in charge of the newly formed Medway Area Archives Service. The search-room accommodation is somewhat limited, there being only room for four to six people.

East Kent Archive Service opening hours: Mon. to Wed. 9.30 to 4.30. Reservation needed. Apply: Canterbury Cathedral Archives, The Precincts, Canterbury. Tel. Canterbury 463510. Contact the above address for opening hours of East Kent Branch Offices at Folkestone and Ramsgate.

West Kent Archives Service opening hours: Tues. to Fri. 9.00 to 4.30. Reservation needed. Apply: West Kent Archives Office, County Hall, Maidstone. Tel. Maidstone 694363. Contact the above address for opening hours of West Kent Branch Office at Sevenoaks.

Members will be pleased to learn that from Saturday 12th May 1990 and thereafter on the 2nd Saturday each month, researchers will be able to use the West Kent Archive facilities at Maidstone. Branch offices at Folkestone and Ramsgate will also be open on certain Saturdays from late Jan 1990. Advance bookings will be required.

Finally, Kent Archives Bookshop at County Hall Maidstone, open Tues. to Fri. 9.00 to 4.30, has for sale a selection of books, maps, and gifts.


Kent Underground Research Group (A Branch of the Kent Archaeological Society)


Kent History Federation Panel of Lecturers