Annual General Meeting - 1858 Style
In response to the article in the January Newsletter (no. 18) 'Annual General Meeting, 1890 Style' Mr. Bryan Gipps has sent the following fascinating extract from the journal of his great grandmother, Mrs. Thomas of Eyhorne House, Hollingbourne. Mrs. Thomas was born on 10th February 1810 and died on 18th February 1911. Mr. Gipps has 26 volumes of her journal, from 1826 to 1905.
Annual General Meeting - 1858 Style
Journal of Louisa, wife of Richard Thomas of Eyhorne House, Hollingbourne. Founder member of the K.A.S.
April, 1858. "the opening of the Kentish Archaeological Society at Chillingworth House."
July, 1858. "Richard and I went to the first archaeological meeting at Canterbury. Started quite early from Maidstone with many other pilgrims, and on our arrival at the ancient city followed Mr. Stanley through all his windings in and around the cathedral, treading principally in Beckett's steps; met there almost all of our friends including 'Dr. To'. After Mr. Stanley had concluded his lecture we visited St. Martin's Church, the Danejohn etc., after which we dined with numberless others in St. George's Hall. Heard very good speeches from Mr. Stanley, Mr. Alford, the Dean, Lord Stanhope, Sir Norton Knatchbull etc. and returned home by railroad thoroughly tired".
There had been a preparatory meeting of archaeologists before then of which an account is given.
July, 1853. "the archaeologists headed by Mr. Bernal, late M.P. for Rochester and Mr. Pettigrew, met at Hollingbourne church and went on to the Manor House. Mr. Spurgin exhibited at the church a representation of the Holy Trinity on glass, removed by Mr. Hasted from one of the church windows, also the pedigree of the Culpeppers in the handwriting of Hasted the historian. They then went on to Leeds Castle where Mr. W. Martin entertained them. We drove in to the soiree at the Assembly Rooms where we heard Mr. Planche read a paper on the Earls of Kent, beginning with Odo, Bishop of Bayeux, Mr. Whichcord on Architectural Painting, and Mr. Brent on Guilds and Confraternities. There were two more papers to read, but the hour was so late and so many of the party had to return to Rochester, that Mr. Bernal, who had been napping some time, concluded the evening by thanking the Mayor, Mr. Joy for his kind reception, and the ladies for their attendance. Mr. Joy then expressed the gratification it had caused him etc. and so ended the soiree." Note: The 'Holy Trinity' mentioned is almost certainly the one in the chapel in Maidstone Museum, presented by Mr. Oliver, Churchwarden of Hollingbourne and executor for the Rev. Hasted, the vicar.