KAS Field Archaeology Meeting 1982
[pg1]AERIAL ARCHAEOLOGY for local archaeologists and historians
2pm-5pm Saturday 16th October, Corn Exchange, High Street, Rochester
Our meeting this year will look at the wealth of information readily available for consultation by members working on local researches. Aerial archaeology can assist greatly whether you are working on Roman settlement patterns through to identifying old fields once named in the Tithe Awards. The emphasis will be on the recognition and causes of crop and soil marks, sources and locations of vertical and oblique photographs that can be examined, and some suggestions on the future development of aerial archaeology in Kent. The programme of talks will include:
Crop and Soil Marks - Jim Bradshaw
A pilot's view - Rod Le Gear
Using kites - Phillip Connolly and Alan Ridges
The Impact of Aerial Photography on Archaeology - John Hampton, Air Photographs Unit, RCHM
The Aerial Photographs Collection held by the Kent Archaeological Rescue Unit - Brian Philp
Kent Defences from the Air - Victor Smith
Some Sources of Aerial Photographs - Ted Connell
The meeting will be chaired by Peter Tester and there will be the usual break for tea. These yearly meetings are a useful opportunity for members to see and discuss projects currently being undertaken by others. We would very much like members to bring along items for display. If you have any suitable material, drawings, plans, maps, photographs, finds, etc., or require any further information about the meeting, please contact Ted Connell before the meeting.