K.A.S. Garden Party at Cooling Castle

On the beautiful sunny afternoon of 6th July, about 200 members and friends enjoyed a most interesting and entertaining programme presented in the extensive grounds of Cooling Castle. After a welcome by the President, Mr. K. Gravett, pupils from Hextable School, Swanley, gave a short display of traditional 18th and 19th Century Kentish hop-pickers dances. This was followed by conducted tours of the castle, in groups of suitable size, the guides being K.A.S. members who had volunteered their services. After making their way to Cooling churchyard, the groups were given a dramatic reading of Pip's encounter with the convict from Dickens's 'Great Expectations' by Mr. Philip Lawrence. Mr. Gravett then took charge of the audience and pointed out to members the various features of interest in the interior of St. James's church.

Finally, a generous strawberry tea was served in the castle barn, the children's competition was judged, and the book token prizes presented. The afternoon was a great success, the smooth running of everything being due to the careful planning and strenuous efforts of Mrs. Margaret Lawrence and Mr. Don Coast, aided by other hard-working K.A.S. members who acted as stewards.


Archaeologia Cantiana Special Volume


Events, Outings, Lectures