Information from KAS Librarian
Starting with Vol. 154 (1994), the Numismatic Chronicle will carry a new section entitled 'Coin Hoards'. The purpose will be to publish material in the nature of: (i) new finds, (ii) additional information about published finds, or (iii) summary reports of finds published in non-numismatic journals. The Numismatic Chronicle will not attempt to summarize finds already in numismatic publications. It will carry preliminary reports of finds that are to be published elsewhere. The detail will vary according to the information available, the nature of the coin series, and whether a preliminary or final report. Authors should provide bibliographic details of references and abbreviations. An estimate of the date of deposit, under the rubric 'Burial c. .... .' or 'Burial after .... .', will be included. The modern name of the findspot, region, province, and country, and date of discovery should be provided. Comments about the find or nature may be included. Photographs should be mounted as whole or part plates according to the Chronicle's 'Guidance for Contributors'. The author's name will appear after the entry. Each entry should be submitted typed on separate A4 sheets, double-spaced and with ample margins, and sent to the appropriate Editor by 30th September 1993 for inclusion in Vol. 154 (1994). For Ancient Greek, Roman, and Celtic: Dr. Ian Carradice, Dept. of Art History, University of St. Andrews, Fife, KY16 9AL. Tel: 0334 76161. And for Medieval (inc. Byzantine), Modern: Dr. Mark Blackburn, Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, CB2 IRB. Tel: 0223 332900.