K.A.S. Member made Mayor of Maidstone
Members will be pleased to learn that Mr Paul Oldham, a member of the KAS since 1960 and valued member of KAS Council for many years, was elected Mayor of Maidstone on May 19th, 1993. He had been a Maidstone Borough Councillor since 1980 and Deputy Mayor and Chairman of the Leisure Services Committee during 1992/3. Many KAS members attended the Mayor making ceremony at Maidstone Town Hall, following a traditional Mayor's Breakfast at the Archbishop's Palace and a Civic Service at All Saints Church. In his acceptance speech, Councillor Oldham named promotion of the study and conservation of the past as one of the themes for his Mayoral Year. KAS members will be pleased to learn that the Society's usual Christmas Buffet will be held in the Maidstone Town Hall at the Mayor's generous invitation. The use of the premises will be free of charge to the Society, and members who attend the Buffet will be able to view chambers not usually open to the public. We wish Paul a happy and successful term of office.