Events, Outings, Lectures
[pg5]K.A.S. Saturday, 8th May 1993. Country Social Evening and Barbecue supper, Great Hall, Cobham College. 6 pm. Tickets £7 members, £7.50 friends. (Details were in last newsletter) Introduction by Mr Nightingale. Mr Philip Lawrence will describe the Cobham Brasses. Apply to Mrs Lawrence for further information.
Saturday, 15th May. K.A.S. Annual General Meeting, (notes enclosed).
Monday, 31st May to 5th June. K.A.S. Excursion to Brittany. Contact Mr Crane for possible cancellations.
Saturday, 19th June 1993. The K.A.S. Fieldwork committee is organizing a one-day course on the Study of Samian Ware. The course is to be held at the Mid-Kent Professional Centre, Loose Road, Maidstone, and will be conducted by Alec Detsicas. B.A., M.A., D.Litt., F.S.A., F.S.A. Scot., a well-known expert in this field. The students will be introduced to the sources and history of samian ware, forms of vessels and study of potters' marks. There will also be opportunities to handle samples of the ware and some instruction in the techniques for drawing samian pottery to publication standard. The number of places will be limited and there is a registration fee of £4 to cover costs. S.A.E. to: Alec Miles.
Saturday, 19th June. K.A.S. Excursion to Meopham and Nurstead. (Members own transport). Suggested itinerary: 11 am. Meopham Church. 12 noon Meopham Windmill. Lunch - either on Green or at two pubs. 2 pm. Nurstead Church, 2.45 pm. Nurstead Court. See Mrs Edmeades for teas. Cost: £2.50 plus teas at Nurstead. Apply Mr M. Crane. S.A.E. please.
Saturday, 3rd July. K.A.S. Excursion to St. Margaret's at Cliffe. (Members own transport) Meet 2 pm. at the Norman Church. 2.45 pm. Museum over the Bay, 3.15 pm The Bay Gardens, 4 pm. Strawberry tea at Dane Court, Cost: £4.50. Numbers limited to 25. Apply to Mr Crane (address as above) S.A.E. please.
K.A.S. plans for future Lectures etc. include:
A DAY SCHOOL on Geophysical Surveying to be arranged by the Fieldwork Committee. Sept.
A DAY CONFERENCE on Nautical Archaeology around Kent. to be arranged by the Fieldwork Committee. Possible dates 2nd or 9th October.
BUILDING RECORDERS CONFERENCE. to be arranged by Historic Buildings Committee. probably 16th October.
LAMBARDE SYMPOSIUM to be arranged by the Library Committee. November. Details in the next Newsletter.
KENT HISTORY FEDERATION. One Day Conference on Saturday, 26th June at South Kent College, Folkestone. Speakers include Mr Brian Hart on The Coming of the Railway, Anne Nevill on Victorian Folkestone, and Mr George Harland as Charles Dickens will give a short reading. Afternoon. Various walks. Further information from Mr D. Coast. (Hon.Sec.K.H.F.). S.A.E. please.
FAVERSHAM 'OPEN HOUSE' SCHEME. Saturdays, 3rd, 10th, and 17th July 1993. Organized by the Faversham Society, this scheme enables visitors to see over some of its historic buildings, some of them not ordinarily open to the public. This year over 15 properties are expected to participate and the scheme will run for three consecutive Saturdays so that visitors can come more than once if they wish. Admission to all is by program, price £3, which contains detailed historical and architectural notes. Programs are available, either on the day (£3) or beforehand by post, (£3.50) from the Faversham Society at the Fleur de Lis Heritage Centre, 13 Preston St. Faversham. Kent. ME13 SNS. Cheques to 'Faversham Society'.
ROMAN VILLA, CROFTON, ORPINGTON. (near Orpington Station.) Some ten rooms of the central part of the villa, built of flints and tile and similar to Lullingstone are now open to the public after four years' work by the Kent Archaeological Rescue Unit and Bromley and West Kent Arch. Group. Display boards set out the history of the villa from its building in AD 120 to its final abandonment in AD 400, its discovery in 1926 and later excavations. The site will be open from April to October each year, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 10 am to 1 pm and 3 pm to 5 pm. On Sundays from 2 pm to 5 pm. Parties can also visit by special arrangement on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Admission charge: 60p adults, 30p children and OAP's. Party bookings for normal opening days, phone 081 462 4737. or Bromley Museum 0689 873826.
ORPINGTON AND DISTRICT ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY will be holding a half-day conference on Saturday, 30th October on A Moated Site, Christopher Marlowe and More. The venue is Farrington's School, Chislehurst, Kent. Speakers include Dr J. Thirsk, Charles Nicholl, Kenneth Gravett, Alan Hart. Tickets are available from B. J. Bull, 36 Walden Road, Chislehurst, BR7 SOL price £4 (£3.50 Students/OAPs) Cheques to ODAS. SAE please. There will also be the opportunity to visit the excavations at Scadbury on two open days. 18th - 19th Sept. For information, apply to address above enclosing a SAE.
ROMNEY MARSH RESEARCH TRUST has arranged two guided walks on the ROYAL MILITARY CANAL featuring Birds, Plants and Insect Life of the Canal System, set against a background of historical changes. By Fred Booth and Jill Eddison. The first walk is on Saturday, 5th June and this will be repeated on Saturday, 3rd July. Tickets are needed for walks. £5 from Mrs S. Carrel, and for further information.
LOWER MEDWAY ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH GROUP. Lectures. Monday, 26th July. Roman Rochester. Sue Haydock. Monday, 25th October 25 years of Excavation in Kent. Brian Philp. Meetings take place in the Function Room, The King's Head, High Street. Rochester (near the castle). 8 pm. Visitors welcome.
COUNCIL FOR BRITISH ARCHAEOLOGY, (South East Region) A.G.M. and Lecture. This will take place on Saturday, 1st May 1993 in the Hall of Reigate Grammar School, Reigate Road, Reigate, Surrey, at 11.30 am. Provisional Programme: 11.30 am - 12.00 Annual General Meeting, 2.00 pm Three short talks by Speakers on Regional Projects. 3.00 pm Tea, 3.30 pm. The 'Beatrice de Cardi Lecture' will be given this year by Dr David Breeze who will speak on For Love not Money, The Role of the Amateur in Archaeology (Introduced by Dr P. Addyman.) LONDON ARCHAEOLOGIST MAGAZINE A.G.M. and Lecture will be held at the Institute of Archaeology, Gordon Square, London, WCl. Tuesday, 18th May. Refreshments are served at 6.30 pm. At 7 pm, before the lecture, annual accounts and reports will be presented. The lecturer this year is Mr Nicholas Fuentes* speaking on The London Area in the 5th and 6th Centuries. All are welcome.
*Mr Fuentes contributed the article on Kent in the Ravenna Cosmography in last KAS Newsletter. (No. 24).
INSTITUTE FOR THE STUDY OF INTERDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES (ISIS). Lecture at the Institute of Archaeology, Gordon Square, London WCI. on Saturday, 10th July 1993 at 2 pm. Lecturer is Dr. Rosalie David, Keeper of Egyptology, Manchester Museum, who will speak on Manchester Museum Mummy Project, Recent researches. No admission charge, all welcome. Tea will be served during the afternoon.