Events, Outings, Lectures
[pg5]K.A.S. LECTURES. Sat. 8th January 1994. 2.30pm. Kel1tislr Newspapers by Dr. Shirley Black at St. Mary's Parish Hall, Ashford. £1.50 members. £2 visitors. Sat. 19th February 1994. 2.30pm. Fashion, Fighting and Faith in Medieval England by Philip Lawrence at Bapchild and Tonge Village hall, near Sittingbourne. £1.50 members. £2 visitors. Sat. 12th March 1994. 2.30pm. The Story of Leather by Roy Thompson at Church Hall Boxley Road, Maidstone. £1.50 members. £2 visitors. Sat. 16th April, 1994. 2.30pm. Revising the Buildings of England, Writing the Buildings of Wales by John Newman at The Assembly Rooms, Tonbridge Parish church. £1.50 members. £2 visitors. Tickets and/or further information may be obtained from H.G.B.Coast, (Lectures Secretary) 127 Snodhurst Avenue, Chatham, ME5 OTN. or members may pay at the door. KAS publications and sales goods will be featured whenever possible and simple refreshments, without charge, will be served at the end of each meeting. A leaflet giving full details of all lectures, venues, parking, etc. was distributed with the last issue of the Newsletter (No. 26).
K.A.S. Medway and Gillingham Branch Lectures. Tues. 22nd Feb. 1994. Experiences in Museum Conservation lecture by Michael Moad. Tues. 12th April 1994. Recent Excavations by the Lower Medway Archaeological Research Group by Peter Dawson. Meetings are held at Guildhall Museum, High St. Rochester, commencing 7.30 pm. Doors open 7 pm.
FIELD TRIPS (Medway & Gillingham Branch) Sunday. 10th April 1994 A Field trip to Cobham Hall and Park. Pauline King, Archivist of the Cobham Hall Heritage Trust will give one of her rare three hour guided tours. Cost: £5 per head. Apply to Sec. Alan Ward.
Tues. 21st June 1994. Tour of the City (Rochester) Wall. Meet 7.15 pm outside the museum for a 7.30 start
KAS EXCURSION TO NORTH WALES. 30th May - 4th June 1994. There are still a few places left on this six day coach excursion to North Wales. It is hoped that visits will be made to pre-historic sites, castles, both Edwardian and of Welsh princely construction and the varied remains of industrial archaeology, particularly in Gwynedd. Anyone interested should contact Mrs J. Saynor as soon as possible. (SAE please). Cost will be about £200 inclusive, B&B, evening meal. (this also includes the buffet lunch at Portmeiron). People already booked on this excursion are reminded that the initial deposit of £50 is now due and should be sent to Mrs J. Saynor.
Wed. 2nd March 1994. Lecture A Town of Mirth and Good Company - Maidstone in the 18th Century An analysis of this fascinating period in the history of Kent's county town will be given by Professor Peter Clark, Director of the Centre for Urban History at Leicester University, at Maidstone Town Hall at 7.30 pm. Admission is by ticket, which are free (up to a maximum of four per applicant) and may be obtained from Hon Curator, Maidstone Museum and Art Gallery, St. Faith's Street, Maidstone, Kent. ME14 1LH. Tickets will be dispatched approx. two weeks before the lecture. Professor Clark (himself a Maidstonian) has been commissioned by Maidstone Borough Council to write a new history of the Borough - due for publication in late 1994 or early 1995.
Sat. 19th March 1994 COUNCIL FOR KENTISH ARCHAEOLOGY all-day Conference (11.00am to 4.30 pm) entitled Thirty years of Archaeology in Kent to be held at the Angel Leisure Centre, Tonbridge, to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the C.K.A. There will be illustrated talks by local groups including West Kent, Reculver, Dover, Orpington, Sittingbourne, etc. and a bookstall and displays. Tickets price £5 for all day, £3.50 afternoon only, may be obtained from C.K.A.
5 Harvest Bank Road, West Wickham, BR4 9DL. (SAE please)
KENT HISTORY SEMINARS. A new series of Kent History Seminars will begin on 5th February 1994, when Kenneth Whitehorn and Shirley Black will speak on Arts, Crafts and Customs in Anglo-Saxon Kent.
5th March 1994, Jayne Semple and Shirley Black will speak on Old Soar, Plaxtol and Manors in the Eighteenth Century. Details from Dr S. B. Black where the Seminars are held.