Roman Canterbury - A Journey Through Time
This resource book is soon to be published by the Canterbury Archaeological Trust. The project has been a joint venture between its author, Andy Harmsworth of Simon Langton Grammar School for Girls and the Trust.
The book takes the reader on a journey through time starting with Iron Age settlers who inhabited this area before the Roman Conquest. We are then taken through the development of a prosperous thriving Roman town and on to its eventual decline some 400 years later. Particular emphasis is given to archaeological evidence. The book contains a wealth of illustrations, reconstructions and photographs, the majority being executed by members of the Trust. Roman Canterbury is suited to a wide readership. While it is designed primarily for children, we hope the well-researched material will also appeal to adults with a keen interest in their heritage.
This project has gained considerable financial support. A grant from the Kent Archaeological Society for £1,650 is very much appreciated, as is the society's overall support for our work in Education. This sum will largely cover the printing costs and enable us to send flyers advertising the book to all Kent schools. Other grants funding this project have come from The John and Ruth Howard Charitable Trust, Friends of the Canterbury Archaeological Trust and Kent County Council (Arts and Libraries Heritage Services Group, Kent History Centre and Curriculum Development Fund.)
Roman Canterbury will sell at £2.95 and will be available from early April. It can be purchased from CAT offices, 92a Broad Street, Canterbury, Kent CT1 2LU and will also be on sale at retail outlets including Albion Bookshop, Waterstones, Canterbury Roman Museum and W. H. Smiths. KAS members ordering copies from the Trust will receive them post-free; the cost of postage to non-members will be about 65p.
Marion Green,
CAT Education Officer
Canterbury by Marjorie Lyle
Published by English Heritage/Balford at £14.99 Paperback. With 84 black and white and 12 colour illustrations, mainly taken from the Canterbury Archaeological Trust's Archives, this is the first full, modern archaeological history of the city from palaeolithic times to the present. It includes detailed topics in each chapter, e.g. Roman gates and walls, Saxon Churches, including the 1933 Cathedral nave excavations, pilgrim inns and timber-framed buildings. It will be on sale at the KAS AGM and at all good booksellers.
Between 1st May and 30th September, most of the numerous publications of the Canterbury Archaeological Trust are being offered at a substantial reduction. For instance, the volumes of The Archaeology of Canterbury originally priced at £17 to £27, will cost only £5 each. They are: Vol. I Excavations at Canterbury Castle, by Paul Bennett, S. S. Frere, and Sally Stow. (1982) Vol. II Excavations on the Roman and Medieval Defences of Canterbury, by S. S. Frere, Sally Stow and Paul Bennett. (1982) Vol. IV Excavations in the Cathedral Precincts, 2, 'Maister Omers', Linacre Garden, and St. Gabriel's Chapel, by J.C. Driver, J. Rady and M. Sparks, (1990).
Vol. VII Excavations in the St. George's Street and Burgate Street Areas, by S.S. Frere and Sally Stow, (1983).
Vol. VIII Canterbury Excavations: Intra- and Extra-Mural Sites, 1949-1955 and 1980-1984, by S. S. Frere, J. Redy and Sally Stow, (1987).
Copies may be obtained from C.A.T., 92 Broad Street, Canterbury, CT1 2LU, Tel: 0227 462062 for a full list. Add £3 for P&P for one volume, £5 for more than one.
The Ancient Woodlands of the Blean
This 33-page booklet was researched and prepared for the School of Continuing Education, University of Kent, Canterbury, by Alexander Wheaten M.A. with the assistance of David Maylam of the Nature Conservancy Council and a class of adult students. A copy has been presented to the K.A.S. Library.