Medieval Pottery Day - 12th February 1994

Approximately 100 people attended the Medieval Pottery Workshop held in the Victoria Suite at the Camden Centre, Tunbridge Wells. Dr. Anthony Streeten spent the morning giving a most interesting presentation illustrated by slides, embracing all aspects of the pottery industry. He started his talk with a map of the whole of the South East including the Weald, showing both geological, physical, and geographical features. He expanded his theme to include details of the population trends, distribution of settlements, market centers and market days, clues in place names including those of fields, woods, and roads, etc., and other relevant details. This included reference to floor and roof tile as well as domestic pottery. Those of us lucky enough to be present obviously found all this information very thought-provoking and a lively discussion took place before the lunch break.

After lunch, Dr. Streeten reminded us of the types and fabric of pottery produced locally and reinforced his extensive collection of slides with actual examples of sherds that had been brought in by various members of the audience. This also enabled many present to have their pottery examined and created an environment in which participants were able to exchange views and ideas about the subject.

Other Committees may wish to take note that the Camden Centre at Tunbridge Wells provided, in my opinion, an ideal venue for this type of workshop and also has larger halls available. Thanks are due to Dr. Detsicas and the Fieldwork Committee for finding such a sympathetic and knowledgeable speaker in Dr. Anthony Streeten. I must not forget to add my thanks to members from the Maidstone Archaeological Group who provided the much-needed tea, coffee, and biscuits, which was a very welcome addition to an enjoyable and successful day.


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