Events, Outings, Lectures

K.A.S. LECTURE PROGRAMME for 1994/5. This will be distributed with Newsletter No. 29, in September. First lecture will be by Mr. Michael Moad, Curator of the Guildhall Museum, Rochester on Saturday, 24th September 1994, on Rochester Castle: Its History and Collections. Venue still to be decided.

Saturday, 7th May 1994. K.A.S. COUNTRY SOCIAL EVENING & BARBECUE SUPPER. At Buston Manor Barn, Yalding. £8.50 members, £9.00 friends. (Forms for this event were distributed with the last Newsletter) The farm was once the centre of a thriving Hop industry and slides illustrating hops and hoppers will be shown in the barn. Numbers limited to 120 but members wishing to attend should contact Mrs. M. Lawrence.

Saturday, 21st May 1994. K.A.S. A.G.M. See enclosed leaflet.

K.A.S. EXCURSION TO NORTH WALES 30th May - 4th June. There may still be one or two places free due to cancellations so any members interested in joining this splendid programme should contact Mrs. Saynor as soon as possible.

Tuesday, 21st June 1994. K.A.S. (Medway and Gillingham Branch.) Tour of the City (Rochester) Wall. Meet 7.15 pm outside the Museum. All KAS Members welcome.

K.A.S. SUMMER VISITS 1994. Three summer visits are being arranged for Society members. In June to Riverhill House, Sevenoaks. In July to Faversham, with entrance to several of the town's historic buildings (including Arden's House), and in August outside the county to Robertsbridge Abbey - and possibly Bayham Abbey in Sussex. Please contact Mrs. Saynor. SAE please. Tel: 0959 522713 for further details.

BUILDING RECORDERS CONFERENCE. (Advance notice) This will take place on Saturday, 15th October 1994 at the Barn Hall, Haring. Commencing at 2.15 pm. Further details in September Newsletter.

Saturday, 7th May 1994 TO BE A PILGRIM. Presented by the Friends of Rochester Cathedral - an evening's entertainment in Rochester Cathedral in aid of the funds of the Friends. It is a programme of words and music in two parts, the first being writings by medieval pilgrims from many walks of life who undertook the pilgrimage to the Holy Land. This is followed by a finger buffet with wine after which the second half of the evening is devoted to a performance of the morality play 'Everyman'. Performance starts at 7.30 pm. Tickets (£5) may be obtained from The Friends of Rochester Cathedral, Garth House, The Precinct, Rochester ME1 1SX. or Tel: 0634 832142.

LOWER MEDWAY ARCH RESEARCH GROUP. welcome visitors to their lectures. These take place in the Function Room of the King's Head, High St. (near the Castle) and start at 8 pm unless otherwise stated.

Monday, 23rd May 1994, Fun in the Baths by Mark Hassall of the Institute of Archaeology, London.

Monday, 27th June 1994. Chatham Historic Dockyard and the Medway Towns by Philip MacDougal.

Saturday, 21st May 1994. THE ROMNEY MARSH TRUST are presenting an all day Colloquium at the University of Kent at Canterbury. A View of Romney Marsh from many aspects. Seven speakers, tickets £16 to include coffee and tea from Dr. Malcolm Andrews, Eliot College, UKC Canterbury CT2 7NS. (Places limited).

KENT HISTORY SEMINARS. K.A.S. member Dr. S. B. Black has organised the following: Saturday, 14th May Medieval Life in Kent and Florence, by Dr. Michael Stansfield and Dr. Matthew Taylor.

Saturday, 11th June. The Yeomen of Kent by Dr. Jacqueline Bower and The Gentry and the Heralds by Lieutenant Commander John Bedells, Howard Pursuivant of Arms Extraordinary.

Saturday, 20th August friendly Societies in Kent in the 18th and 19th Centuries by Audrey Fisk, Co-ordinator of the Foresters' Heritage Trust, and Dr. Shirley Black. Details may be obtained from Dr. Black.

COUNCIL FOR BRITISH ARCHAEOLOGY. (SOUTH EAST) Friday Evening 29th July 1994. CBA SE. A joint lecture with the Sussex Archaeological Society at Michelham Priory, Sussex, to be given by Dr. Henry Cleere as part of the CBA's 50th anniversary celebrations. Further details from Mrs. S. Broomfield.

Tuesday, 17th May 1994. AGM and Lecture of the LONDON ARCHAEOLOGIST MAGAZINE will be held at 7 pm at the Institute of Archaeology, Gordon Square, London WC1. Visitors welcome. Refreshments at 6.30 pm. followed by a lecture. People at Spitalfields. Speaker: Theya Molleson. Admission free, visitors welcome.

Saturday, 16th July. INSTITUTE FOR THE STUDY OF INTERDISCIPLINARY SCIENCES (I.S.I.S.) presents the Summer lecture Aspects of Egyptian Kingship by Professor John Baines of Oxford University, at the Institute of Archaeology, Gordon Square, London WC1 at 2 pm. Admission free. Visitors welcome. Gift stall and refreshments.

Friday - Saturday, 9th - 10th September 1994. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Artefacts from Wrecks, Late Middle Ages to Industrial Revolution. Organised jointly by the Nautical Archaeology Society and the Society for Post-Medieval Archaeology. To be held at the National Museum of Wales. For booking details write to Dr. M. Redknap, Dept. of Archaeology and Numismatics, National Museum of Wales, Cardiff Park, Cardiff CF1 3NP.

BLOOMSBURY SUMMER SCHOOL (History and Archaeology.) A series of academic one week courses has been organised by the Dept. of History, University College, London, between Monday, 11th July and Friday, 5th August 1994. Subjects include: Egyptian Archaeology and History, Roman History, Anglo-Saxon Archaeology, History of Art, Tudor and Stuart History, Victorian Studies, Researching your Family History. Prospectus and programme may be obtained from The Director, Bloomsbury Summer School, Dept. of History, University College, London. Gower St., London WC1E 6BT. Tel: 071 387 7050 Ext. 3622.

SCADBURY MOATED MANOR, CHISLEHURST, OPEN DAYS: on Saturday, 17th and Sunday, 18th September. The archaeological excavations at the medieval moated manor site at Scadbury will be open to the public. Members of the Orpington & District Archaeological Society (ODAS) will give guided tours, showing the work that is currently being done on the site as well as the remains of the foundations of the buildings associated with the Walsingham family. Tours will be given at 15 minute intervals throughout both afternoons, the first at 2.00 pm, the last at 4.00 pm. There will also be a slide show, refreshments, and bookstall. Admission is free. Limited car parking close to the site, by ticket only, for which application should be made (enclosing SAE and stating for which day required) to Mr. M. Meekums.

BIDDENDEN LOCAL HISTORY SOCIETY proposes to hold a LOCAL HISTORY EXHIBITION at the Biddenden Village Hall on 10th and 11th September 1994 to celebrate the centenary of the formation of Biddenden Parish Council. The exhibition will include material on the early records, tithe maps and indexes, with Biddenden in the 19th C. including census names, landowners, emigration figures and old photographs, also genealogical records and bygones appertaining to Biddenden. In addition, it is hoped material from the early days of the Kent and East Sussex Railway which ran through the village will be available.

For further information SAE to Mrs. H. M. Stokes.


Medieval Buildings Survey

