Events, Outings, Lectures

K.A.S. LECTURE PROGRAMME for 1994/5. You will have received the notice of the first four lecture planned for this eason. For those who have in cribed the dales in their diaries lel me correct two:Saturday, 8lh, October 1994 Mary Scott, who played a vital part in lhe re-building of a National Trust 17th. Century hilltop house in Sus ex (offered to Wellington but declined because of the steepness of the approach!) is working on Byzantine frescoes in Jordan and our contact has been minimal. In fact, we have posited Lhe date and trust that she will comply. Saturday, 17th, December 1994. Paul Hastings will speak on Parish Goverr1111e11t i11 Kent at Bapchild Village Hall. To date (late June) I have engaged six speakers and hope shortly to recruit two more and find five more venues. Matching speakers, dates and venues for a modest outlay is an exercise bristling with pitfalls. Tentatively, meetings will be arranged in venues not so far explored e.g. Dartford, Wrotham, Herne Bay, West and East Kent. It is a matter for personal regret, in my last year as Lecture Secretary that we shall not have John Newman to speak to us on his work for the Pevsner volumes. Don Coast (Asst. Secretary Lectures) See enclosed leaflet for further details. KAS CONFERENCE on CHURCH ARCHAEOLOGY to be held on Saturday, 29th, October 1994 at Bradbourne School, Sevenoaks. Papers will include - The Ardiaeology of Christin11 Worship i11 E11gla11d 600 - 1900; Rece11t excnvatio11s i11 Ca11terb11ry Cathedral; Broom/rill: A /111rclr a11d its Mnrshlmrd Setti11g; a11d Excavalio11s at St. Nicholas' C/r11rch, . , , eve11onks. Further details from Dr. A. P. Detsicas. XMAS BUFFET. See enclosed leaflet THIRTY FOURTH ANNUAL CONFERENCE OF BUILDING RECORDERS will be held on Saturday, 15th, October 1994 at the Barn Hall, Charing. (North of Charing Parish Church) commencing at 2.15 pm. It is hoped that the following talks will be given - Dr. Derek Renn on St. Leo11nrd's Tower, Mnlli11g. Mrs. Margaret Lawrence on Tire Stable al East Peckham Churclr. Mr. Peter Cobley on The Black House, Gilli11ghn111. There will also be a report on the progress of the Kent Historic Buildings Index. Tickets may be obtained in advance from Mr. Coast. or at the door. £1 for members and £2 for visitors. Tea and biscuits will be available at a small extra charge. THE ROMNEY MARSH RESEARCH TRUST. A Guided Walk wiJI take place on Sunday, 11th, September 1994. From GREATSTONE to ST. MARY'S BAY, to see all aspects of wildlife, beaches and foreshore against a background of changes in the coastline, past and present. (Picnic, binoculars, suitable shoes, warm clothes needed) Tickets £5.00. Further information from Mrs. Sue Carrel. LOWER MEDWAY ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH GROUP welcomes visitors (£1) to their lectures which take place in the �nction Room, The Kings Head, High Street, (near the Castle) ,JChester, at 8 pm. Monday, 26th, September 1994 John Co11stable - Painter and Country Lover. An illustrated talk by Mrs. Julia Page. Monday, 31st, October 1994 Orkney: l.Jlnd of the Barrow, Broch and Bu. An illustrated talk by Sarah Guise. COUNCIL FOR KENTISH ARCHAEOLOGY CONFERENCE Saturday, 12th, November 1994. C.K.A. Conference on Major Archaeological Discoveries in South East England will be held at Christ Church College, North Holmes Road, Canterbury. (2.15 to 5.30 pm) Speakers include Cllr. Derrick Molock (K.C.C.), Nicholas Bateman (MOLAS) on Excavations al tire London Amphitheatre Site. Rosalind Niblett (St. Albans Museum) on The First Ce11tury Funerary Site al Verulamium and Brian Philp (KARU) on Recent Discoveries al tire Ro111a11 Town al Spring/rend. With Bookstalls, Graphic displays and light refreshments. Tickets Price £2 (Payable to CK.A. and sae please) from: 5 Harvest Bank Road, West Wickham, Kent BR4 9DL. Friday - Saturday, 9th - 10th, September 1994. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Artifacls from Wrecks, Late Middle Ages to Industrial Revolution. Organised jointly by the Nautical Archaeology Society and the Society for Post-Medieval Archaeology. To be held at the National Museum of Wales. For booking details write to Dr. M. Redknap, Dept. of Archaeology and Numismatics, National Museum of Wales, Cardiff Park, Cardiff CF13 NP. family. Tours will be given at 15 minule intervals throughout both afternoons, the first al 2.00 pm, the last at 4.00 pm. There will also be a lide show, refreshments, and bookstall. Admission is free. Limited car parking close to lhe sile, by ticket only, for which applic?tion should be made (enclosing SAE and slating for which day required.) lo Mr. M. Meekums, 27 Eynsford Close, Pelis Wood BRS lDP. BIDDENDEN LOCAL HISTORY SOCIETY. A LOCAL HISTORY EXHIBITION on 10th and 11th, September 1994 al lhe Biddenden Village Hall to celebrate the centenary of the formation of Biddenden Parish Council. The exhibition will include material on the early records, tithe maps and indexes, with Biddenden in the 19th. C. including census names, landowners, emigration figures and old photographs, also genealogical records and byegones appertaining to Biddenden. In addition it is hoped material from the early days of the Kent and East Sussex Railway which ran through the village will be available. For further information SAE to Mrs. H. M. Stokes, Willow Cottage, Smarden Road, Biddenden, Ashford, Kent TN27 SJT. C.B.A. (South East) CONFERENCE on the theme of Anglo-Saxons (no programme or title yet fixed) at the Boys Grammar Scho�l, Maidstone on Saturday, 8th, October 1994. For further details contact: Mrs. S. Broomfield, 8 Woodview Crescent, Hildenborough, Tonbridge, Kent TNl 1 9HD. Tel: 0732 838698 nearer the date. 21st to 23rd, October 1994 ORDNANCE SOCfETY CONFERENCE to be held at Gravesend, Kent. The theme of the conference will be the recovery, recording, identification and technology of ordnance. Further details from Rudi Roth, 12 Farrow Close, Great Moulton, Norwich NR15 2HR. Tel: 0379 77674. 24th to 25th, November 1994. CONFERENCE Restoration - is it acceptable? To be held at the British Museum. Further details from Mrs. Brenda Cannon, Conservation Dept. British Museum, Great Russell St. WC1B 3DG. Tel: 071 323 8238. COURSES AND CLASSES Part-time Archaeology and History courses organised for 1994 by the University of Kent's Centre in Tonbridge include: People and Place in English History. J. Vigar. 20 meetings. Mondays, 1 -3 pm. Starting 26th., September. Fee £60. The Minonns and Mycenae A. Detsicas. 20 meetings. Tuesdays, 10 - 12 noon. Starting 27th, September. Fee £60. Local History and Ge,iealogy: Using the Ce11lre for Kentish Studies al Maidstone. D. Harrington. 20 meetings. Wednesdays 5.15 - 7.15 pm. Starting 2nd, November. Fee £65. Understanding Egyptian Art F. Williams. 10 meetings. Thursdays 10 -12 noon. Starting 29th, September. Fee £30. Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt F. Williams. 10 meetings. Thursdays 1 -3 pm. Starting 29th, September. Fee £30. Kent in the Era of the English Civil War. G. Hornby. 10 meetings. Thursdays 7.30 -9.30 pm. Starting 6th October. Fee £30. The Archaeology of Later Anglo-Saxon and Early Medieval England. A. Ward. Fridays 7.30 - 9.30 pm. Starting 30th, September. Fee £30. Genealogy: Theory and Practice. S. Fincher. Two-day Workshop. Thursday 3rd and Friday 11th, November, including visit to London repositories. Fee £22. Fee Concessions available. Further information from the University centre, Avebury Avenue, Tonbridge, Kent TN9 ITG. Tel: 0732 352316. ADULT EDUCATION COURSES IN HlSTORY AND ARCHAEOLOGY Tire History of Medieval England at the Victoria Centre, Gravesend. Enquiries to Beryl Gray. Medieval England at the Adult Education Centre, Sittingbourne. Enquiries to Elsie Straight. Anglo-Saxon Engla11d, at Eastgate Centre, Rochester. Enquiries: 0634 405673. Anglo-Saxon England A.O. 450-550, at Canterbury College, Enquiries to Wyn Jones, Canterbury College, New Dover Road, Canterbury. Tel: 0227 766081. Anglo-Saxon England, (Part 2) A.O. 650-1100 at University Centre, Avebury Avenue, Tonbridge. Tel: 0732 352316. The Medway Megaliths (Weekend Course) at Eastgate Centre, Rochester. Enquiries: 0634 405673. ARCHAEOLOGY CERTIFICATE COURSES SCADBURY MOATED MANOR, CHISLEHURST, OPEN DAYS: on Saturday, 17th and Sunday, 18th, September. The archaeological excavations at the medieval moated manor site at Scadbury wilJ be open to the public. Members of the Orpington & District Archaeological Society (ODAS) will give guided tours, showing the work that is currently being down on the site as well as the remains of the foundations of the buildings associated with the Walsingham G.C.E. A Level (day) and G.C.S.E. (evening) Archaeology at Canterbury College. Enquiries to Wyn Jones, Programme Manager, Canterbury College, New Dover Road, Canterbury. Tel: 0227 766081. Certificate in Local Archaeology (day) at Christchurch College, Canterbury. Enquiries to Dr. Sean Greenwood, Christchurch College, North Holmes Road, Canterbury. Tel: 0227 7822264.


Kent and the Welsh Connection


Summer visit to Riverhill House, Sevenoaks