Increase in K.A.S. Subscriptions

At the AGM held on 21st, May 1994 at Dartford the Motion to Increase Subscriptions proposed by the KAS Council was passed by the attending members. Therefore, from the 1st, January 1995 the annual subscriptions to the Society shall be:

(a) Individual member: £15.

(b) Joint (husband and wife), rule 39(a): £20.

(c) Junior member (not over 21) rule 39(d): £7.

(d) Over 65 & member for 5 years, rule 39(f): £10.

(e) Joint (husband and wife) both over 65 and members for 5 years: £18

(f) Affiliated Society: £15..

(g) Institutional Subscriber: £25


Summer Excursion to Snowdonia


KAS Newsletter, Issue 28, Summer 1994