Summer Social Evening - Beltring Oasts
[pg8]An opportunity to enjoy a conducted tour of the famous Beltring Oasts, near Paddock Wood, by courtesy of Whitbread Ltd, followed by a social evening with light refreshments and wine, has been arranged for K.A.S. members on Saturday, 18th June, commencing at 7:30 p.m.
In the first part of the evening, small parties will be shown over this famous monument to the Kentish Hop Industry, the largest group of oasts in Kent.
The oasts have recently been restored and some roundels and galleried barns are now devoted to exhibitions of various aspects of rural life. In one there is an ever-growing collection of old carts, hop-picking machines, cultivators and other relics from the past. Another barn has a museum full of bygones, tools and implements once commonplace to the blacksmith, the wheelwright or the farmer's wife.
The tours completed, you will be able to enjoy some wine and refreshments in the convivial company of fellow Society members.
Beltring Hop Farm lies about 1 1/2 miles north of Paddock Wood on the B2015 from Wateringbury to Pembury, and has adequate car parking facilities.
For those coming by British Rail, Beltring Halt a quarter of a mile distant, is served by trains from Maidstone and Paddock Wood, with connections from Ashford, Tonbridge and London. Buses from Tunbridge Wells and Tonbridge pass the farm.
We therefore invite you to come along and have an enjoyable evening with the Kent Archaeological Society.
Tickets may be obtained, priced £3, from Mr C. P. Ward. (Cheques should be made payable to Kent Archaeological Society).