Eccles Excavations: A Progress Note

Much progress has been made this year with the compilation of the final report on the excavations at the Eccles site, conducted between 1962 and 1976.

Specialist reports are being prepared by Dr. J. P. C. Kent (Coins), Dr. M. Lyne (Coarse Pottery), Mrs. K. F. Hartley (Mortaria), Mr. R. Friendship-Taylor (Small Finds), Mrs. S. C. Hawkes (Anglo-Saxon finds), M. Henig (Gems), whilst the Anglo-Saxon skeletal material is being revised and analyzed at the University of Bradford.

It is hoped to include in the next volume of Archaeologia Cantiana a preliminary report on the Anglo-Saxon cemetery by Mrs. R. C. Shaw. All the records of the excavation are now held in a computerized database. Acknowledgment is made to the Kent Archaeological Society, the Kent Heritage Fund, the British Academy, the Pilgrim Trust, the Society for the Promotion Studies and to the Haverfield Bequest of the University of Oxford, for generous grants towards the funding of this post-excavation work.


Anglo-Saxon Cemetery, Buckland near Dover


DDAG Goes back to School