Events, Outings, Lectures


1995/6. Programme will be sent with next Newsletter. (Sept.)


Dover will be the location of our next Annual General Meeting on Saturday, 20th May 1995. The meeting will be held in the morning at Dover College, and there will be a visit to places of interest in Dover during the afternoon. Details will be sent to members in April. The Society would welcome displays by groups or individuals of their work and/or publications. Enquiries should be made to the Hon. General Secretary, Mr A.I. Moffat.


There will be three excursions this Summer.

(1) An all-day coach excursion on Saturday, August 5th will visit Coggeshall, Essex, to see the Great Barn and Paycock's House (both N.T.) and the privately owned monastic ruins and chapel.

(2) An excursion to Deal and particularly the buildings to be vacated by the Royal Marines' School of Music is being arranged for early July or September.

(3) In preparation.

Details, on receipt of a S.A.E., will be sent by the Hon.

Excursions Secretary, Joy Saynor.


To be held in the South Transept of Rochester Cathedral from June 1st - 7th inclusive, by our member Mr. Philip Lawrence, whose article on brasses appears in this Newsletter.

KENT COUNTY SHOW at DETLING on 13th, 14th & 15th July 1995.

The Council at their meeting on 3rd December 1994 approved expenditure on an exhibition by the Society at the 1995 Kent County Show at Detling. The project had been mooted for a number of years and in promoting it the Membership and Publicity Committee trust that such an exhibition will involve wide public interest and, if for no other reason, stimulate attendance by members to this excellent venue. Within the time and space available we hope to present: Photographic displays, Demonstrations of Flint Knapping, Video presentation of the Society's aims and achievements and other video use, Short lecture each day, 'Hands-on' materials, Display of Artefacts, Society Publications, Sales Goods and other books on sale.

It is also hoped that the Canterbury Archaeological Trust and the Dover Bronze Age Boat Trust will take part. The show is open from 10 am to 6 pm on each of the three days. Parking is free but may involve a long walk to the entrance.

Full details of the Society's programme of events will be available at the A.G.M. at Dover on 20th May. Copies may also be obtained from Don Coast from 1st May onwards. Please enclose a S.A.E. with your request.

Saturday, 7th October 1995. Day Conference arranged by the Fieldwork Committee. To be held at Wye College. Theme of conference - Linear Archaeology, (the Archaeology in advance of modern road, rail and pipeline construction) Full details in September Newsletter.


Saturday, 13th May. The Development of Kentish Towns, 1650 - 1750 by Dr. Jacqueline Bower. Please phone Dr. Shirley Black for further details.


Meetings take place in the Function Room, The King's Head, High St., Rochester, and start at 8 pm. Visitors welcome (£1).

Monday, 22nd May 1995. Vessels in Miniature 1160 to 1982. by Ann Oakley, Senior Research Archivist, Canterbury Cathedral.

Monday, 24th July Inflation, a Roman problem (illustrated) by Edmund Redfern, LMARG's coin expert.

LECTURE and A.G.M. of the London Archaeologist

This will be held at the Institute of Archaeology Lecture Theatre, 31 Gordon Square, Bloomsbury, London, WC1, on Tuesday, 16th May 1995, commencing at 6.30 for 7.00pm. After the AGM Christopher Green will be speaking on JOHN DWIGHT AND THE FULHAM POTTERY. The meeting is open to all friends and subscribers of the magazine. There is no charge for admission.


Thursday, 22nd June 1995. An illustrated lecture, Sevenoaks in the Nineteenth Century, will be given by Dr. David Killingray in the new undercroft of St. Nicholas Parish Church at 8 pm. Tickets, price £2, may be obtained from Sevenoaks Summer Festival, Sevenoaks School, Sevenoaks TN13 lHU. (01732 740480).

Saturday, 1st July 1995. Open day for the Crossness Engines Trust. Further details from the Crossness Engines Trust, 43 Upper Wickham Lane, Welling, Kent. (0181 303 6723).

Saturday, 16th and Sunday 17th September 1995. Excavations at Scadbury Moated Manor, Chislehurst, 'Open days'. Members of the Orpington & District Arch. Soc. will give guided tours showing the work that is currently being done on the site as well as the remains of the foundations of the buildings associated with the Walsingham family. Fuller details will be published in the September Newsletter.

Thursday, 18th and Friday 19th May 1995. Two-day conference Figures in a Landscape, to coincide with the National Trust's Centenary. To be held at the Scientific Society's Lecture Theatre, New Burlington Place, London.

Further details and conference programme may be obtained from: Archaeology Conference Coordinator, The National Trust, 33 Sheep Street, Cirencester, Glos. GL7 1QW

Friday, 16th June and Saturday, 17th June. The Thames Sailing Barge, A chance to study the history and building of the Thames barge and to travel in one. Further information from Suzanne Testa, Course Administrator, The Open Museum, National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London SE10 9NF. (0181 312 6747) Also -

Tuesday, 20th June. Genealogy - the Museum's Resources. An event organised by the Open Museum to show the potential of the N.M.M's. archive for tracing family history. Address as above.

UNIVERSITY OF SUSSEX LECTURES (of interest to K.A.S. members)

Two one-day Conferences.

Saturday, 13th May 1995. The Wealden Iron Industry. Tutor: Jeremy Hodgkinson, and Saturday, 10th June 1995. The Piltdown Hoax. Tutor, Chris Going. Full fees: £15, Reduced fees: £10. For further details contact CCE. Education Development Building, University of Sussex, Brighton, BN1 9RG. (01273 678527).


in Kent. Subjects include: Churches in the Kentish Landscape at Canterbury; Kent Houses and their Families at Canterbury. Prices range from £320 to £370. Further information from Andrea Nicholaides, Reservations Coordinator, Summer Academy, School of Continuing Education, The University, Canterbury, Kent CT2 7NX,


organised by the Field Archaeology Unit, (University College, London), will be available during the summer of 1995. Based at Bignor Roman Villa, West Sussex, some courses are for four days, others for two. Further details from Natalie Barber, Field Archaeology Unit, Turner Dumbrell Workshops.


You can Help the Society's Work


KAS Newsletter, Issue 30, Spring 1995