Members Guide to Library Rules

Members are asked to note that before entering our Library, they must sign the book provided at the Museum Reception desk, giving their time of arrival, etc. If so requested by the officer or the keeper on duty, membership cards or another means of identification must be shown.

The need for these formalities is regretted, but both past experience of theft (by members!) and the needs of insurers and fire precautions make them essential. Museum staff have been instructed not to admit anyone who, in their view, does not fulfill these criteria, subject to appeal to the Librarian. Cooperation with the Museum has not only always been amicable, but also positive. The staff willingly provide day to day care for our valuable inheritance, and help in all sorts of subtle ways; please take heed of their wishes.

Members are reminded that smoking is forbidden in the Library and that material is for reference only. Advance notice to the Librarian may be required for access to some material. The bulk of the manuscript material is held at the Centre for Kentish Studies (01622 671411) Kent County Council Offices. Since we have but one room at present, it must act as a Library, reading and cataloguing room, office and meeting place. Tolerance is therefore essential. Please, in particular, do not move material laid out for rebinding, etc.

Occasionally the Library is closed for meetings. These are entered in the Museum diary and a prior call to the desk (01622 754497) may save a wasted journey. The current Museum opening hours are: Mondays to Saturdays 10.00 to 17.30 Sundays 14.00 to 17.00 Most Bank Holidays 11.00 to 17.00 Closed Christmas Day, Boxing or the day following if a Monday.


Use by members personally and those engaged in work for the Society is increasing. This is to be welcomed, but will require compromise if all are to benefit. If you have any problems or suggestions, please raise them with me in the first instance.


Slide Collection, Gift to the KAS


Library News