Events, Outings, Lectures
K.A.S. Outing and Day Conferences
Thursday, 14th September 1995. Outing to Royal Marines School of Music, Deal. Members use own transport and should arrive at School of Music at 10.00 am but MOST IMPORTANT: Members who intend to join this outing should write to the School before hand stating their car, make and registration number of their car. Visitors will be escorted round the buildings and after lunch Mr. K. Gravett will take members round Old Deal. Some participants may also wish to visit Deal Castle. Further information from Mrs. Saynor (SAE please) or phone as soon as possible.
Saturday, 7th October 1995. A one-day Conference arranged by the Fieldwork Committee on the theme of LINEAR ARCHAEOLOGY IN KENT, (the Archaeology of Rail, Road and Pipeline) to be held at Wye College, Wye, Ashford, Kent. Lectures include: Planning for Linear Archaeology, by Dr. J. Williams, (Heritage Conservation, KCC) The Channel Tunnel Rail Link and the Cultural Heritage, by Dr. G. Lambrick, (Oxford Arch. Unit) Roads into the Past, by Mr. P. Bennett. (Canterbury Arch. Trust.) Archaeological work on the Urban Section of the A20, Dover by Mr. K. Parfitt, (Canterbury Arch. Trust). Admission by ticket: £8 or £6 to KAS members, or at the door £8. (10.30 am to 16.30pm). Parking facilities at the college.
Saturday, 14th October 1995. CONFERENCE OF BUILDING RECORDERS. This afternoon Conference will be held at The Barn, (north of the Church) at Charing, commencing at 2.30 pm. It is hoped to include contributions on the Norman House at West Malling, Littlebourne Barn and a group of modern listed buildings. Entrance will be £1 to KAS members and £2 to visitors. Tea and biscuits will be available at a small extra charge.
Saturday, 2nd December. KAS CHRISTMAS BUFFET at Aylesford Priory. (See enclosed leaflet).
KAS members will remember the item in the last Newsletter reporting the retirement of Mr. Don Coast as Lectures Organiser for the KAS. Unfortunately, this post has not yet been filled and the provision of a lectures programme for 1996 has not been possible. Surely there is some member in the large membership of the KAS who would be willing to take on the task? What about a newly retired man or woman seeking a worthwhile project to fill in some of their spare hours, or better still what about a retired (or unretired) married couple taking on the job between them? Would any interested person or persons care to contact Mr. Coast after 18.00 hrs. to learn what the job entails or offer their services directly to the President, Mr. K. Gravett.
Saturday, 23rd September and Sunday, 24th September. KAS Visual Records Group will be exhibiting KAS material at the Thurnham and Harvest Festival celebrations. (See Library News).
The M & G Branch of the KAS is the only local branch to have survived the passage of time and the Committee reminds KAS members that they are most welcome to attend all lectures organised by them.
Meetings are held on Tuesday evenings at the Guildhall Museum. Doors open at 7.00 pm for a 7.30 start.
Tuesday, 17th October 1995. Talk on Excavations at Sutton Hoo by John Newman, Field Officer for Suffolk County Council.
Tuesday, 6th February 1996. Adventures Whilst Researching the History of Gillingham, by Ron Baldwin.
KENT HISTORY SEMINARS Saturday, 16th September 1995. Earning a Crust: The Labour Scene in 18th and 19th Century Kent, by Dr. Rodney Dobson and Dr. Shirley Black.
Saturday, 28th October. From Road to Rail: Turnpike Roads and the Coming of the Railways, by Dr. Frank Andrews and Dr. Shirley Black.
Saturday, 25th November. The Kentish Hop Industry by Margaret Lawrence and Peter Leach.
Please phone Dr. Shirley Black for further details.
Monday Evenings. Prehistoric Society at Sittingbourne Adult Education Centre. Contact: WEA Head Office, 4 Castle Hill, Rochester (01634 842140).
Tuesday Evenings. Introduction to Archaeology at Eastgate Adult Education Centre, Rochester. Contact: Head of Centre, (01634 845359).
Wednesday Evenings. GCSE Archaeology at Canterbury College, New Dover Road, Canterbury. Contact: Wyn Jones.
Thursday Evenings. Hillfort to Castle, at Gravesend Adult Centre, Contact: WEA Head Office, 4 Castle Hill, Rochester (01634 842140).
Friday Evenings. Certificate in Local Archaeology, at Christ Church College, North Holmes Road, Canterbury CT1 1QU. Contact: Admissions Office (01227 767700).
Day Course. CC£ A Level Archaeology, at Canterbury College, New Dover Road, Canterbury. Contact: Wyn Jones.
Saturday, 16th and Sunday, 17th September 1995. EXCAVATIONS AT SCADBURY MOATED MANOR, OPEN DAYS. This medieval moated manor site at Chislehurst will be open to the public on the above days. Members of Orpington & District Arch. Society (ODAS) will give guided tours, showing the work that is currently being done on the site as well as the remains of the foundations of the buildings associated with the Walsingham family.
Unlike many similar moated sites the island is still surrounded by water. Guided tours will be given at 15 minute intervals throughout both afternoons, the first at 2.00 pm, the last at 4.00 pm. There will also be a slide show, refreshments and a bookstall. Admission is free. Limited car parking is available close to the site but by ticket only. Application to be made (SAE please) to Mr. M. Meekums.
Saturday, 14th October 1995. MAIDSTONE PAROCHIAL LIBRARY TRUST, are holding a Day - Conference on Parochial Libraries (with special reference to Kent and S.E. England) at County Hall, Maidstone. 10.30 am to 5.00 pm. Further details from Dr. Nigel Yates, Centre for Kentish Studies, County Hall, Maidstone ME14 1XQ.
An Exhibition on Maidstone Parochial Library will be held in the Exhibition Gallery at County Hall from Monday, 9th October to Friday, 20th October. Open daily (excluding Sunday) 10.30 am to 5.00 pm.
Saturday, 11th November 1995. COUNCIL FOR KENTISH ARCHAEOLOGY, Annual Archaeology Conference. This afternoon Conference will be held at Christchurch College, Canterbury, from 2.15 pm to 5.30 pm. Illustrated lectures will include, Excavations at St. Nicholas Church, Sevenoaks, by David Miles (OAU) Iron Age and Romano British Sites, Gravesend, by Brian Philp. (KARU) Roads into the Past - Excavations along the line of the new Thanet Way, by Paul Bennett. (CAT) Tickets: Price £2 from CKA, 5 Harvest Bank Road, West Wickham, Kent BR4 9DL. (SAE please) Friends of the CKA please send to above address forfree pass. Saturday, 28th, October 1995. C.B.A. (South East) AUTUMN CONFERENCE. This will take place at the Harry Preston Room, Royal Albion Hotel, Old Steine, Brighton, Sussex. (10.00 am to 5.00 pm) The Iheme is MARITIME ARCHAEOLOGY and the programme will include an optional walking tour of Brighton's Maritime Heritage, followed by lectures on Arc/111eology 011 the Coast, by Martin Brown. Archaeology Beyond the Fringe, by Chris Underwood. Maritime Archaeology on the Tlmmes and Medway, by Gustave Milne. Admission by ticket: £6 for CBA. S. E. members, £7.50 for others bookable in advance from Delia Lindsay. (SAE please).
is open to the public until 29th, October 1995. The Crofton Villa Estate, dating from about AD 100-400 originally housed a landowners' family and servants. It consisted of a main house, adjacent barns and outbuildings, surrounded by a field system of arable land, pasture and woodland. The remains of several rooms of a modest Roman Villa House, five with underfloor heating systems, may be viewed (within a modern cover building) on Wednesdays, Fridays and Bank Holidays 10.00 am to 1.00 pm and 2.00 pm to 5.00 pm. Sundays 2.00 pm to 5.00 pm. Adults: 60p. Children and OAPs 30p. There are graphic displays, a finds 'touch' table and a taped commentary. Parking nearby. Parties from schools, societies and local groups welcome. Bookings for normal opening days, KARU. (0181 462 4737) for other days, Bromley Museum (01689 873826).
This exhibition at St. Margaret's Church (next to Westminster Abbey) will run until 30th, September 1995 and illustrates the changes which have taken place over nine centuries of its existence. It includes the opportunity to the Works Compound to see the current restoration in its final stages and go by lift to the roof of the Henry Vil Chapel. Furti1er details from St. Margaret's Church. Tel: 0171 222 6382.