Events, Outings, Lectures

K.A.S. Annual Summer Foreign Excursion 1996. This years excursion, which is now in the advanced planning stage, will be to the Dordogne, France. (From Tuesday, 25th, June to Tuesday, 2nd, July). Some KAS members who joined the 1995 trip to Burgundy have already expressed a wish to again accompany the party but other members contemplating joining the excursion should contact Mrs. Saynor as soon as possible Please send S.A.E. to Mrs. J. Saynor,

K.A.S. DAY EXCURSIONS, SUMMER 1996. Three trips have been arranged. It is hoped visits may be made to Woolwich Arsenal (date not yet fixed) Guided tour round Shoreham, Kent. with strawberry tea. 0uly, date not yet fixed) and on Saturday, 7th, September 1996 we will make an aU-day coach trip to the Bronze Age site of Flag Fen, near Peterborough, with Buffet lunch. Full details in next Newsletter.

K.A.S. Lectures. /I is with great regret that the Council have been 1111n/Jle lo recruit n vo/11nleer willing to take on the /ask of arranging the K.A.S. lcc/11re programme for 1996. Should anyone feel they could tackle this 1110s/ important co11trib11tion to the KAS members (and their frie11ds') c11joyment please con/net the President, Mr. K. Graven, Dr. S. Black's New programme of Kent Seminars will begin on Saturday, 3rd, February 1996 with Ports and Cinque Ports. when Dr. Frank Andrews will be speaking on Sandwich and Dr. Jacqueline Bower on The Deni Boatmen in the19th Century. For further details and a .:opy of the programme please contact .D r. Shirley Black.

Saturday, 20th, April 1996. Council for Kentish Archaeblogy will be holding an all-day event at Chatham's Historic Dockyard. The programme will include lectures and guided tours which will cover various aspects of four centuries of naval and defensive history.

Guided tour (11am - 1pm) of either Fort Amherst (Britain's premier Napoleonic fortress and a major part of the Dockyard's defences.) OR of the Dockyard Museum (created by the Dockyard workers giving a unique insight into the life of the Dockyard.)

Illustrated Lectures. (2.15 - 5.30pm) in the Dockyard Church. Evo/11tio11 (some aspects) of Chatham Dockyard. by Keith Slade, (Chairman, C.D.H.S.) Chatham and the Architecture of the Royal Dockyards. by Jonathan Coad (English Heritage.) Defences of Chatham Dockyard by Geof. Harvey, (Medway Military research Group). Tickets: All day £5.00; Morning only £1.75.; Afternoon on!y £3.50. Please state which tour is required when applying for n ticket. From: CK.A., 5 Harvest Bank Road, West Wickhn111, Ke11/ BR4 9DL payable to CK.A. with s.n.e. please.


KAS Conference on 'Linear Archaeology' held at Wye

