
Dear Editor,

I run a very small, independent publisher from home, and am trying to set up a new imprint for archaeological and local history publishing. Over the last seven years I have published two or three literary titles a year so I am starting this new subject from scratch. I would like to hear from any of your members who have archaeological or local history research which deserves to be published in book form. I would be grateful if they could send me a synopsis of their work (or stamped self-addressed envelope if they wish to send a manuscript). I hope to be publishing up to half a dozen titles a year.

Raymond Russell.

Dear Editor,

Mention in the KAS Gang Newsletter of a talk regarding archaeology of the Channel Tunnel leads me to send a copy of a rather grand brass stamp I have to the Channel Tunnel Company Ltd. Caxton House, Westminster, S. W.

Parliamentary Offices, W. T. Perkins, Literary Secretary. I understand the stamp is dated about 1911. It was used for books in the Company Library.

Bill Lapthorne.

Editor's note: Unfortunately, the facsimile of this stamp sent by Mr. Lapthorne was too faint for reproduction in this Newsletter. Interested members should get in touch with Mr. Lapthorne directly.

Mr. David Brown of the Authors' Publishing Guild has sent us particulars of a new service for local authors which should appeal to those whose financial means and experience in publication are limited.

They are now planning to issue 'The Link' each March, July and November. For a price between £12.50 and £24.50, you can insert a description of your book, up to 100 words, and where to buy it. A 50-word version will appear in the next issue and the basic details in a third issue. There are no other charges.

Distribution is noted as being throughout the South East. Advertisements are also accepted for surplus books and research projects at 15p per word.

Details are available from the Authors' Publishing Guild, 2 West Street Farm Cottages, Maynards Green, Heathfield, Sussex TN21 0DG. Tel: 01825 830319.

Peter Draper, Hon. Librarian K.A.S


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