
Our member Miss G. Rickard presents her two most recent volumes of Kentish records:

QUAKERS IN KENT Some Birth, Marriage, Burial and other Records 1648-1806. This volume consists in part of a transcript of an original hitherto-unpublished Kent Quaker register. The register was not surrendered to the Public Record Office in the nineteenth century, and therefore no copies are held elsewhere. Paperback, 64pp. Price £5 or £5.55 including inland postage.

KENT ENROLMENTS UNDER THE NAVY ACT 1796. This volume lists in alphabetical order details of 461 men enrolled in Kent to serve in the Navy. Name, age, occupation and in most cases parish of origin are given. In many cases physical descriptions of the men are recorded, some including scars and tattoos. Paperback, 57pp. Price £4.75 or £5.25 including inland postage.

These may be obtained from Miss G. Rickard.

LIFE AND DEATH IN SPITALFIELDS by Margaret Cox. The archaeological excavation of the crypt below Christ Church, Spitalfields, in the east end of London was the starting point of a remarkable study into the lives of people buried here in the 18th and 19th centuries. The 150-page book, illustrated with photographs from the excavation and from contemporary sources, also gives an insight into social conditions, housing, health, the funeral industry, and the problems of the excavation itself. Price £15 including p&p. from CBA 111 Walmgate, York YO1 2UA (01904 671417). Cheques payable to CBA.

LIFE IN A MEDIEVAL ABBEY by Tony McAleavy. Published by English Heritage. Further information or copies of this book may be obtained from English Heritage, PO Box 229, Northampton, NN6 9QY. Cheques payable to English Heritage.


The Leveson-Gower Family and the K.A.S

