Experimental Archaeology No. 2

Once again (See Newsletter No. 32, Autumn 1995), GCSE students undertook an experiment in prehistoric pottery making and kiln firing as one of their projects. Thanks are extended to Chris Pount for allowing the firing of the pottery to take place on his land. An account of this experiment will be reported in the next Newsletter.

Only GCSE and A Level Archaeology will be undertaken as a part-time course this autumn (1996). Further information about this course, to be held at South Kent College, Ashford, on a Monday evening can be obtained from the Admissions Officer or the writer. If any readers know of colleges or adult education centers who may like to undertake GCSE Archaeology as one of the subjects they offer, the writer will be pleased to receive the information.


Certificate in Anglo-Saxon and Medieval Archaeology. Saturday mornings over four terms at Christ Church College Inquire Admissions Office (01227 767700)

Certificate in Local Archaeology.

Tuesday evenings over four terms. Details from Admissions Office, Christ Church College, Canterbury. (01227 767700)

NOTE: This course will be held at Eastgate Adult Centre, Rochester.


The Faversham Society


Meeting of Southern County Archaeological Societies