K.A.S. Publications
New Publications
Colin Flight, The Bishops and Monks of Rochester. 1076 - 1214, Monograph Series, VI. 27 x 21 cm. Pp. 320, 29 figs. and 16 pls., full-color dust jacket, cased. £40 (£30 to members of the Society).
(Ed.) N. Tanner, Kent Heresy Proceedings 1511 - 12, Kent Records, XXVI. 21.5 x 13.5 cm. Pp. 129, frontis., map, full-color dust jacket, cased. £20 (£15 to members of the Society).
Obtainable from the Hon. Editor. (Please add £4 for postage and packing per vol. and remit with order. Cheques payable to Kent Archaeological Society).
The Committee is giving active consideration to separating the production of the Society's publications from circulation and marketing. Members of the Society will be invited to help with the latter aspect of our publications. Please write to the Hon. Editor for further information.
KAS Hon. Editor's Announcement
The Hon. Editors welcome all letters, articles and communications and would particularly like to receive more from members and others, especially requests for research information, funds, books and related topics. The Editors wish to draw readers' attention to the fact that neither the Council of the KAS, nor the Editors are answerable for opinions which contributors may express in the course of their signed articles. Each author is alone responsible for the contents and substance of their letters, items or papers. Material for the next Newsletter should be sent by 14th December 1997 to Hon. Editors, Mr & Mrs L. E. Ilott.
Published by the Kent Archaeological Society, 'Fhe Museum, St. Faith's Street,Maidstone, Kent. ME14 ILH.
Printed by Delta Press, Crayford Industrial Estate, Swaisland Drive, Crayford DAI 4HT. Typesetting and Design by Janset 0181-3012856.
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Win A (Small) Prize - Identify our Photograph
View "A" View "B" Past appeals from the Library Committee for help in identifying images of Kent have met with a good response. Our computer is coping well with the volume of records created. These include not only photographs but paintings and engravings. The database already constitutes a valuable resource for research as well as for commercial sales.
Above are two images printed from negatives in our collection. We know the broad particulars of one, but not of the other. Copies of the print(s) identified plus two free tickets to one of next year's series of Summer Visits are on offer to the individual giving the most accurate description of both images. In the event of several responses being close, the winner will be drawn out of our Antonine urn on Wednesday 19th November.
The decision of the Hon. Librarian and Mr. Mike Perring shall be final. Except for members of the Library and Muniments Committee, there are no restrictions on who may enter. Please give your name, address, and telephone number and indicate for each image your opinion of the location and its approximate date. Any other information will of course be most welcome.
We welcome gifts to the Society of further photographs. Even pictures taken 30-50 years ago are often worth preserving. Thus Herne Bay Pier, trolley buses, Jezreel's Tower, and Bristol Freighter flying car ferries are now but memories. The value of views seen in the context of other material is frequently quite unexpected.
Our project to regularly record busy but mundane locations proceeds. Volunteers for this project for our identification team are always welcome.
Peter Draper Hon. Librarian