[pg2]As we go to press, some 1,700 copies of Archaeologia Cantiana Volume 98 (1982) have arrived, to be parcelled up for dispatch to members. I wish to extend my thanks to all those who have responded to the appeal for assistance with the distribution of Arch. Cant. by returning to me their 'green forms'.
By the time you receive this newsletter in September, you should all have had your copy of Volume 98. If you have not, please write to or telephone me.
Back numbers of Arch.Cant.
The announcement in the previous Newsletter that the Society had back numbers of Archaeologia Cantiana for sale led to a flood of inquiries and orders. Our supply of the earlier volumes is now almost exhausted. This service has proved to be of great benefit, and so any member who has volumes surplus to their requirement and who wishes to donate or sell them to the Society is invited to contact me.
Summer Social Evening
Nearly one hundred members and friends gathered at Beltring Oasts on a beautiful summer's evening in June. We were shown round the hop farm and exhibits by very competent guides and we particularly enjoyed seeing the Whitbread shire horses, which had just arrived for their 'summer holiday'.
It was then time to partake of a wonderful cold buffet and spend the rest of the evening in the convivial company of other members. It was altogether a most successful evening and our congratulations go to Cliff Ward, secretary of the Membership & Publicity Committee, and his wife Elizabeth for making it so. By popular request, it is hoped to make such a social evening an annual event.
Ted Connell
A High Court Writ was issued in June on behalf of Brian Philp naming amongst other defendants Canon Ingram Hill (President), Michael Nightingale (Vice-President), and Arthur Harrison (Honorary General Secretary) in a representative capacity on behalf of the Society's Council. Damages are being claimed for an alleged libel appearing in the editorial column of the Society's Newsletter No.3 published in the Spring.
At a special meeting of the K.A.S. Council held on Saturday 23rd July 1983, it was resolved that the action would be defended.
Next Copy Date
The copy date for the Winter issue, to be published on 1st January 1984, will be the 1st November 1983 and all contributions should be sent to the Editor.
The next Annual General Meeting will be held on Saturday 19th May 1984 in Ashford.
A.G.M. 1983
The Annual General Meeting was held at Sevenoaks, on the morning of Saturday 21st May. Council's Annual Report and Statement of Accounts for 1982 were approved (with one dissentient), the feeling of the meeting being that they indicated a very healthy level of activities in the various branches of the Society.
All the retiring Officers were re-elected, the Hon. General Secretary (502 votes to 147) and the Hon. Librarian (493 votes to 155) after a ballot had been taken.
The existing Vice-Presidents were re-elected and, in addition, Mr Robin Leigh-Pemberton, J.P., M.A., Lord Lieutenant of the County, and the Rt. Hon. Lord Northbourne were elected Vice-Presidents as persons of distinction associated with the County.
After a ballot, Mr E.W. Parkin (494 votes) and Mrs P. Winzar (480 votes) were re-elected. The other four places were filled by Mr P. Bennett (374 votes); Mrs N. Caiger (476 votes); Mr J. Cruse (456 votes) and Mr R.F. LeGear (449 votes). In addition, Mr S.R. Harker (252 votes) was elected for one year to fill the casual vacancy. Mr R.J. Ansell (175 votes); Mr B.J. Philp (235 votes) and Mrs V. Smith (152 votes) were not elected.
As a result of the painstaking and skilful work of the Rules Committee under the chairmanship of Sir John Winnifrith, K.C.B., a revised and re-arranged set of Rules was presented and passed without amendment. The Committee was reappointed to consider what other amendments, if any, were desirable.
Afternoon Lecture
In the afternoon, members heard a most interesting and entertaining talk by Dr Peter Reynolds, Director of the Butser Ancient Farm Project Trust. In the talk, which was expertly illustrated with colour slides, he told us about the objectives of the Trust. Dr Reynolds explained in some detail his experiments with regards to the construction of Iron Age Houses and the excavation and silting up of enclosure ditches. He also spoke about his experiments with the keeping of animals and the growing and storage of crops, which have been designed to increase our knowledge and our understanding of the agricultural economy of Britain at the end of the Iron Age. Our thanks go to Dr Reynolds for such an enjoyable and informative afternoon.
The various displays of work were greatly appreciated with much interest shown throughout the day. Many thanks for all their hard work to the following: Dartford and District Archaeological Group, Gravesend Historical Society, Orpington & District Archaeological Society, Otford & District Archaeological Group, Sevenoaks Architectural Survey and the K.A.S. Underground Research Group. The K.A.S. Bookstall was equally well patronised with members searching through the stocks of Arch.Cants. clutching lists of back numbers that they required. Our thanks go also to the young ladies of Sevenoaks Girls School who kept everybody supplied with very welcome cups of tea and coffee.
I should also like to take this opportunity to thank Cliff Ward for all his hard work in organising such a successful day.
Arthur Harrison
Hon. General Secretary
The next Annual General Meeting will be held on Saturday 19th May 1984 in Ashford.