KAS Bookstall
[pg6]The K.A.S. Bookstall was first established in 1980 and is by now a familiar sight at most of the Society's meetings throughout the county. The bookstall has a wide variety of books on archaeology and local history, with a particular emphasis on Kent. A recent expansion into back numbers of Archaeologia Cantiana and K.A.S. Record Publications now requires the employment of my Studies in Modern Kentish History camping trailer to transport the stock to meetings! The bookstall will be brought to lectures, meetings, conferences or exhibitions on request.
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The bookstall enables members to browse through a large number of commercially produced books which may not be available at local bookshops. It also gives members an opportunity to see books produced by local societies, such as church guides, village and town studies etc., many of which would not normally be seen countywide. Any suggestions as to suitable publications that might be added, or requests for the bookstall to visit your local society meeting, please contact Ted Connell.