Events, Outings, Lectures

K.A.S. Events

Summer Excursion May 31st - June 7th 1999. The area of study this year will be North East Yorkshire and the south of County Durham.

We shall be staying in a new hotel in Whitby. (Abbess Hilda, coastal trade with Kent, jet etc.), in order to further our study of early Christianity and medieval monasticism. There will also be the opportunity to visit historic and archaeological sites in the area. A whole day guided tour of York will include visiting the Archaeological Resource Centre and the Merchant Adventurer's Hall. (Membership of the National Trust and/or English Heritage would be an advantage). Cost approx. £380 inclusive. For further details please send S.A.E. to the Excursion Secretary - Mrs J. Saynor.

Council for Kentish Archaeology

Conference Saturday 27th March 1999 - Archaeological Discoveries in East Kent.

10.30am to 12.30pm at the Roman Painted House. This fine Roman House, with its unique murals and display of Roman Dover will be open to Conference delegates. Half price admission will be payable on arrival. (£1.00/40p) 2.00pm to 5.30pm at St. Mary's Parish Centre, Cannon Street. Illustrated lectures:- The Dover Bronze Age Boat. Peter Clarke (Cant. Arch. Trust) Up-date on Mill Hill, Deal Ben Stocker (Dover Arch. Group) The Abbey Farm Villa Training Excavation David Perkins (Trust for Thanet Arch.) Projects by the Kent Unit (including Time Team at Smallhythe) Brian Philp (Kent Arch. Rescue Unit) Tickets (afternoon):-£3.00 (payable C.K.A.) from C.K.A, Angle Kin, 7 Sandy Ridge, Borough Green, Kent TN15 BHP (sae please).

British Archaeological Association

Meetings are held in the rooms of the Society of Antiquaries of London, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London W1V OHS. Tea is served from 4.30pm and the Chair is taken at 5.00pm. K.A.S Members are welcome to attend lectures but it would be appreciated if they would telephone the Hon. Director, Philip Lankester, beforehand (work 0113 220 1878, home 01904 613615). Meetings in 1999:- 3 February 'Timber Importation to the British Isles and its uses in medieval times' by Mr Gavin Simpson. 3 March 'Louis d'Orleans (1372 - 1407) and the sculptured images of the Nine Worthies' by Julia Watson. 7 April 'Unspeakable architecture, or the terminology of Gothic' by Dr Alexandrina Buchanan.

University of Sussex Centre for Continuing Education

Sussex Archaeology Symposium on Saturday 13th March 1999, 9.40am -5.30pm This event which will be run in conjunction with the Sussex Archaeological Society, will provide illustrated accounts of recent archaeological fieldwork and research in Sussex. To be held in the Chichester Lecture Theatre. Full fee £20, details from Sue Schofield on 01273 678926 or at the Centre for Continuing Education. The Centre runs many and varied courses:- On recording and interpretation of Churchyards, maritime archaeology, archaeological science, recording of vernacular buildings, as well as fieldwork courses at Bignor and overseas study tours to the Rhine and southern Cyprus. >Details of all these can be obtained from The Centre for Continuing Education, EDB, University of Sussex, Palmer, Brighton, Sussex, BN1 9RG. Tel: 01273 678926.

Council for British Archaeology South East AGM - 25th April 1999. Venue and speaker to be announced. Details from Mrs S Broomfield.


Kent Archaeological Society Fieldwork Committee Conference - 24th October 1998: Roman Kent and Beyond

