KAS Homepage
Annual General Meeting
Following the problems holding the annual general meeting last year (when too few members attended the first meeting), the Council hopes members will attend this year's A.G.M. if they can. It will be held on Saturday 19th May at 11 a.m. in Maidstone. The notice and other papers will be sent out during April.
The agenda will include proposals to change the rules. The main change would be to reduce the quorum for attendance at annual general meetings to 25. Others would reduce the size of the council and limit the number of years the President, Council members and members of committees can hold office.
The report of the Way Forward Working party was approved by the Council in January. Members will be given an opportunity to discuss its implications at the A.G.M.
We are fortunate that in the afternoon Dr Michael Zell, Reader in English Local History at the University of Greenwich, will speak on the subject of early modern families and households.
New Membership Secretary
Margaret Lawrence will be retiring as Hon. Membership Secretary at the A.G.M. on 19th May after seventeen years collecting subscriptions, sending reminders, keeping up with members' movements etc. and, more recently, organising successful social functions such as the Christmas lunches and barbecues.
We are fortunate that Mrs Sheila Broomfield has agreed to take over as Hon. Membership Secretary from the A.G.M., but she will not take on the social functions. After the 19th May please contact her about all membership matters.
Information Officer Wanted
The Society plans to increase the amount of news and information supplied to members, mainly by expanding the Newsletter and increasing the frequency of its publication, but also by improving its website.
It wishes to appoint an Information Officer whose main responsibility will be to act as both editor of the Newsletter and its reporter. It recognises that this will involve a substantial commitment in time and is prepared to pay for about one day's work a week and expenses.
The work may include involvement with the Society's website which it plans to develop as a source of information about archaeological and local history activities.
The post offers the opportunity to become involved in the expansion of the Society's activities and to develop contacts with similar organisations and individuals involved in archaeology and local history in the County.
If you would like more information, or are interested in applying for the post, please contact:
Andrew Moffat, Hon. General Secretary, secretary@kentarchaeology.org.uk
K.A.S. Web Site
By the time you read this the Society's website should have moved to a new Internet address, www.kentarchaeology.org.uk and has been hosted on generous terms by a Kent company, Medway Internet.
The Society plans to use the facilities offered by this company to expand its website so it provides more facilities for its members and others interested in archaeology and local history. The site is still being run by the Hon. General Secretary who does not have time for the work this will involve. Any member who has experience of producing content for websites and would be willing to help is invited to contact the Hon. General Secretary: secretary@kentarchaeology.org.uk
Medway Internet is also offering 20% commission on most purchases by members of KAS. For instance, if your e-mail address looks a little strange or too anonymous - David829@aol.com or pamela@smith.freeserve.co.uk - and you would like something reflecting your real name and where you live, Medway Internet can help - and the Society can benefit too. Examples are DavidSmith@Bredhurst.com or A.J.Williams@CanterburyKent.com - see the link on the Society's website, or ring Medway (01634) 845839 for details.
News of Short Summer Visits from the Hon Excursions Secretary
Saturday June 28th - all day visit to Lullingstone. In the morning Susan Pittman will guide members through the historic landscape of the Park and an afternoon visit will be made to Lullingstone church and castle. Lunch can be arranged.
Sunday August 12th - in the morning there will be a visit to the Royal Engineers Museum at Gillingham and after lunch members will be given a guided tour of Fort Amherst.
Saturday August 25th - an all day visit to Sheerness with an extensive tour of its ancient buildings and monuments, guided by Jonathan Firth.
There are still a few places available for the week long Irish excursion, June 9th to June 16th inclusive (details in Newsletter No. 48, Winter 2000-01).
Details from: Hon. Excursions Secretary, Joy Sayner
Churches Committee
Since our recent offer of help with sources, advice and financial support for those preparing to write guides to their parish churches, we have been pleased to receive applications. Such potential authors are reminded of our readiness and ability to help. Applications should be made to Mrs Sue Petrie.
The database of Kent churches being established for the Churches Committee of the K.A.S. by Mr David Carder is progressing. Information concerning churches is however still required and such data would be welcomed by Mr Carder.