Romano-British Pottery Workshop

One of the most successful aspects of our Archaeology at Work meeting last September was the section on Romano-British pottery. Members brought along their own material from all over Kent. These finds were laid out for display, so that everybody could handle the sherds and compare them with the forms and fabrics found in their own areas. Short talks were given which further stimulated discussion and the interchange of information.

Arising from the interest shown and the wish by many to continue this type of informal exchange of ideas, a Workshop/seminar has been arranged for Saturday, 24th March, 1984. By kind invitation of the Dartford and District Archaeological Group, the meeting will take place at the Group's centre, Lowfield Street, Dartford, from 10.30 a.m. until 5.00 p.m.

The format will be very much the same as in September, with a combination of practical demonstrations and short seminar-style talks. It is hoped to cover some of the following: identification of local and exotic fabrics, the use of a x 20 microscope, the firing, tempering and slipping of pottery, classification, how and why it could be done, useful books in the study of Kentish Pottery.

Once again, all members are invited to attend and, where possible, to bring along Romano-British material for discussion. Admission is free but will be by ticket only. Free tickets are obtainable from Ted Connell. Please send an S.A.E.




Public Open Days at Horsman's Place