Summer Excursions

Saturday, 26th May

This all day visit will be to New Romney and Lydd. In the morning, there will be a tour of New Romney Church, commencing at 11.30, followed by a picnic lunch at New Romney. After lunch, we shall travel to Lydd by coach and look round some historic houses in Lydd. There will then be a tour of Lydd Church at about 3.00 and this will be followed by a visit to Lydd Museum at 3.45. The day will end with tea at Lydd Village Hall at 4.20. Price: £5.50 approx. (payable to M.A. Crane, Excursion A/C)

New Romney Church.

For booking and further details, please contact Mr. Crane, at Dane Court, Adisham, Canterbury, by 1st May, 1984.

Coach departure times: Saturday, 7th July Bexley (Black Prince) 9.15 a.m. Maidstone (B.R. East Station) 10.05 a.m. Ashford (B.R. Station) 10.35 a.m.

Saturday, 7th July

Visit to Smallhythe Place - the Ellen Terry Museum - and Spots Farm Vineyard.

Further details will be in the Spring Newsletter.


New Local Studies Library


KAS Newsletter, Issue 4, Autumn 1983