
Dear Editors,

I enclose copies of two recent publications of mine which I would be glad if you could mention in the next available issue of the K.A.S. Newsletter.
The price of the Supplement to Part 1 of the Kent Settlement Records Guide, 12 pages, is 80p plus SAE inland. Price 4 IRCs or £1.45 in British stamps if sending from overseas.

The price of the Supplement to Part 2, 4 pages, is 30p plus SAE inland, 2 IRCs or 75p in British stamps if sending from overseas.

Copies of both original Guides, published in 1993 and 1994, are still available from me.
These publications can all be obtained from me at the below address. Please also include my fax number and Email and web site address in your column if you have room. Orders can also be made on the internet via my stand on GENfair, the online family history bookshop and fair:

G. Rickard (Miss)

Further to our telephone conversation last evening, I now list below the volumes which my mother has and which I wish to dispose of.

Archaeologia Cantiana Years 1968 to 1999 one vol. per year except in the following years when there are two volumes. 1981, 1988, 1993, 1994.

Your assistance in finding a home for them will be greatly appreciated.

Rosemary Yarker

Dear Editors,

I welcome your offer in the No. 49 Newsletter to supply research information and have two queries.

One is: Dr. Ward (AC 1937 p.245) mentions the Black Book of St. Augustine and certain of the rentals of Snave Manor i.e. 'de Alano de Smallide' and 'de Emelsham et Smalide' but does not mention the date of writing of this Black Book. Is it the same as that of the White Book of St. Augustine, c. 1200? Two subsidiary questions: (a) is it possible to better date the entries for Alanea de Smallide and Radulphus de Dungeburn; and (b) does the Black Book give any other entries for Smallhythe and Dumbourne not mentioned by Dr. Ward?

My second query is again in AC 1937, p. 240. Dr. Ward states that the original charter of 833 is lost but says that Birch reports two copies, in Register C of Christchurch (B407) and in MS Lambeth 1212 (B408): is it possible to obtain a translation of this charter, one that includes a note of the witnesses (especially if there is any mention of 'the brotherhood of Appledore)'?

Should there be any expenses involved (postage, photocopies and so on) by my enquiry, I should be delighted to reimburse you.

Frank W. Ashenden


Book Reviews


KAS Newsletter, Issue 49, Spring 2001