Roman Conference

The Theoretical Roman Archaeological Conference 2002 will take place at the University of Kent at Canterbury between Friday 5 April and Saturday 6 April 2002. The conference provides a forum for young scholars to present research and to consider theoretical approaches and new directions in Roman archaeology.

Session Proposals include:

  • Powerful role models: articulation of identity through assimilation

  • Is ritual ‘out of the ordinary’

  • Meaningful objects

  • Breaking Ground or Treading Water? Theoretical Agendas for the 21st Century

  • Interdisciplinary Approaches to the study of women

Further details are available on the TRAC web site, or contact:
Dr Ellen Swift, Lecturer in Archaeology, School of European Culture & Languages
Cornwallis Building, University of Kent at Canterbury, CT2 7NF
Tel: 01227 764000 ext. 7898
Direct line: 01227 827898, fax: 01227823641


Kent Half-Day Conference


‘Ideas and Ideals’: Augustine and the Conversion