Additions to KAS Library

HATTATT, Richard
Ancient and Romano-British brooches
illus., diagrs
Dorset Publishing Company, 1982 09021 29392
Well illustrated with numerous examples and a good descriptive text.
A valuable guide to identification and preservation. Of several volumes and pamphlets presented to the Library by Albert Daniels.

Kent Hearth Tax
British Record Society with Kent Archaeological Society, 2000 0901505 439
Vol. XXIX in the Kent Records Series.

NEWMAN, Richard
Historical archaeology of Britain c. 1540–1900
illus., maps, diagrs.
Continuum Publishing, 2001 07509 13355
Good overview of post medieval archaeology in England, Wales and Scotland. Well illustrated with an extensive bibliography.

Digging up the past: an introduction to archaeological excavation
illus., diagrs., bibliog.
Sutton Publishing, 2001 07509 27372
Concise and well illustrated, this introduction to excavation techniques is aimed at professionals and amateurs alike. It contains detailed accounts of site preparation procedures and has a whole chapter on the treatment of burials and skeletal remains.

BLACK, Shirley Burgoyne
A scholar and a gentleman: Edward Hasted, the historian of Kent.
Front. port., plates, bibliog.
Oxford: Darenth Valley Publications, 2001 0905 7334
A substantial work by a noted Kent scholar. This lively and informative book is the first full biography of Kent’s major historian. Well illustrated, with a good index, it is essential background reading for anyone interested in the best county histories ever written.

The Buildings of Roman Britain,
illus., plates, diagrs., bibliog.
Stroud: Tempus Publishing, 2001 07524 19064
First published in 1991, this useful work recreates the appearance of Roman Britain by careful reconstructions of the buildings as they appear from excavated ground plans. A wide range of building types are covered, as well as roads, drains, aqueducts and lighthouses. There is much of Kent interest in the text.

FLETCHER, Sir Bannister
A history of architecture on the comparative method.
Illus., maps, plates, diagrs., bibliog.
London: Architectural Press, 20th edition, 2000 07506 2667
This monumental work, added to the Library in the latest edition, has been in print since 1896. At nearly 1600 pages, it is a comparative text covering the entire history of architecture, from the earliest to the present day. The scope is worldwide, but every facet of the work is of use to studies in this country and in the county. The chapters dealing with the development of architecture in Europe from Prehistoric times to the Renaissance period are likely to be of special value to members of the Society. Plates, diagrams and text provide every need in obtaining a valuable source of reference for any study involved with the way buildings have been designed and constructed.


Leaves from Library Log


Journey to Medieval Canterbury