Membership Secretary

I have now passed the first major milestone/hurdle since taking over as membership secretary - the membership renewals due on 1st January 2002!

Things appear to have gone reasonably smoothly but I recognise that including a renewal form with the January Newsletter caused some confusion. In future years I intend to send renewal letters only to those of you who renew by cheque. If you have not yet renewed for this year please do so as soon as possible, otherwise reminder letters will be sent, at additional cost to the Society, in April/May.

If you have not yet completed a Gift Aid form please do so now as this gives valuable income to the Society without any extra cost to members. (Everyone received a Gift Aid form attached to the renewal letter enclosed with all the January Newsletters.)

If you pay by standing order please check that this is at the correct amount and only paid once a year (preferably in January) as some banks delight in taking your money monthly!

I am very pleased to report that I have recently received over 40 applications to join - please urge your friends, colleagues and/or relatives to join as the Society is its membership. I have plenty of application forms if you would like some to distribute to local societies etc.

The address for all correspondence relating to membership is: Mrs Shiela Broomfield, KAS Membership.


Studying and Sharing Kent’s Past

