KAS Historic Buildings Committee

Kent Historic Buildings Committee (a joint committee of the Kent Archaeological Society and the Council for the Protection of Rural England, Kent Branch) has a new Hon. Secretary.

Charles Friend, who took office in the mid-eighties, stood down at the January meeting. At an informal presentation, the Chairman Ramon Higgs thanked Charles warmly and wished him well.

Having been Hon. Secretary to the Committee for so long - as well as Secretary to no less than four Parish Councils, surely Charles should be in the running for an award.

The new Hon. Secretary is Michael H Peters of Sittingbourne.

The committee is keen to hear from all members who are concerned about the condition of any historic building in the county (or any damaging or unsuitable activities nearby).

The Committee acts within Kent for the Council for British Archaeology, one of the bodies statutorily consulted on planning applications involving listed buildings.


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