Tonbridge Historical Society Local History Week 5-12 May 2002

Newspapers in the refurbished Angel Centre, Tonbridge. Afterwards many of the audience enjoyed looking at some of Frank’s archive copies of local newspapers and photographs. This event attracted an audience of about 90 including the Mayor, Mrs Joyce Oxley, her husband and our President, Dr Joan Thirsk.

On Thursday Pat Mortlock led two very popular walks around historic Tonbridge. These walks attracted many local residents who were delighted to learn more about the history of the town and its buildings.

[fg]jpg|The transfer print vase. Can any readers provide more information as to maker and date?|Image[/fg]

The Pictorial Records and Archives Group, in association with Tonbridge Library, mounted a display of archives and photographs relating to Tonbridge’s past. This was scheduled for Thursday and Friday but was extended, by kind permission of the reference librarian, Andrew Lister, until Saturday morning. Approximately 160 people attended this exhibition and seemed appreciative and the displays sparked many discussions. We are grateful for the help given by our members and the Library staff. On Saturday we were fortunate to be able to offer free conducted tours of Ightham Mote and about 150 people took advantage of a fascinating insight into this lovely house. Due thanks go to the National Trust and the guides.

The week was rounded off with a Bygones and Memorabilia session at the Council Chamber, Tonbridge Castle. People were invited to bring along their treasures which had a local interest. About 40 people came along - items included a school medal, a collection of clay pipe fragments retrieved from a small area of someone’s garden in Bourne Lane and a vase (see pic). One of the members, Shaun Jeffery, brought along a small exhibition of bottles, prints, postcards etc which drew much discussion. Also, a scrapbook belonging to Mrs Brenda Betall and some early examples of local papers attracted much interest. Chris Broomfield provided an opportunity for visitors to view a copy of the LDS 1881 Census Index on his laptop computer and was able to make a positive link with a photograph of the Stonesreet family amongst others.

We are very grateful for the time and help given by many members of the Historical Society which helped to bring local history alive to so many.


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