New website for KAS

The KAS is to set up a new Website, in order to take further the Society’s declared intention to make as much material as possible from KAS archives and publications available for posting electronically. Initially, the website will consist of a series of administrative pages; a members section containing on-line searchable catalogues of the Library’s books and papers, and of Visual records; and a Publications section with downloadable publications, papers, reports, articles, and records. The publications section will afford the KAS Hon. Editor and the KAS Publications Committee an electronic outlet which is at present lacking, and which will be open to contributions from other committees and members of the KAS. Contributions from universities and other research organisations will be welcome. The content of publications will be controlled by the Editor, who will, drawing on the expertise of experts as necessary, ensure quality control. The new website will be hosted by nVeracity and will be cross-linked and complementary to the existing website hosted by Medway Internet.

It is hoped that the new Website will be operational by the autumn of this year.

For further information, contact Denis Anstey.


The Writing Up and Publication of Past Archaeological Excavations in Kent


Letters to the Editor, Summer 2002