Lectures, Conferences, Courses and Events
Sheerness Historic Dockyard
A Conference for Historians of the Built Environment arranged by Kent Historic Buildings Committee at Sheppey College, Bridge Road, Sheerness (an associate college of the University of Kent) on Saturday February 15th 10am - 1pm (doors open 9:30am). Speakers:
Richard Morice - English Heritage
Philip MacDougall - dockyard historian and writer
Michael Bussell - consultant on historic engineering structures
David Hughes - Naval Dockyards Society
Tickets £5 (£4 for members of CPRE and KAS) from Hon Sec. Michael Peters, c/o CPRE Kent, Coldharbour Farm, Arnage Road, Wye, Ashford TN25 5DB. Further information: tel/fax 01795 470405, info@cprekent.org.uk
Recreating and Presenting our Archaeological Past
Council for Kentish Archaeology on Saturday 5th April 2pm - 5:30pm, Crofton Halls, Orpington (adjacent to the station). Speakers:
Representation - Bringing the Iron Age to life by Christine Thornley, Joseph Thornley and Carol Wilby (Ancient Iron Age Living History)
Roman Britain for all ages at the British Museum by Sam Moorhead and Katharine Wiles (British Museum)
Presenting Roman Kent to the public by Brian Philp (Kent Archaeological Rescue Unit).
Tickets £3, free pass for Friends of CKA. Obtainable from CKA, 7 Sandy Ridge, Borough Green TN15 8HP.
Crofton Roman Villa
Villa will be open from 11am - 3:30pm exceptionally for conference goers. Entrance 80p, concessions 50p.
Church and Monastery in Anglo-Saxon and Medieval Society
The third history and archaeology conference organized jointly by the KAS and Canterbury Christ Church University College on Saturday 26th April. Lectures for this year are centered around the Church both from an organisational and liturgical point of view. Please see enclosed flyer for details of speakers, cost and booking form.
'Lectures in the Library' in the KAS Library at Maidstone Museum:
Thursday March 13th 10am, Working with the Word processor by Miranda Rix and others.
Saturday May 3rd 11am - Kent Sources 1, the first in a series of lectures on Kent sources by Dr Jacqueline Bower.
Further details and a booking form for these lectures are on a flyer enclosed in this Newsletter. The form also enables booking for the 'New Horizon' lecture series, a flyer for which appeared in the last Newsletter; a reminder of details:
Saturday 1st February 2:30pm - Kentish Place Names by Paul Cullen (Rochester)
Saturday 1st March 2:30pm - The Geology and Landscape of Kent by Peter Golding (Canterbury)
Saturday 5th April 2:30pm - Thomas Waghorn and the Overland Route by Andrew Ashbee (Rochester)
Saturday 7th June 2:30pm - People in Early Medieval Kent by Alan Ward (Canterbury)
Classics and Archaeological Studies seminar series run by the School of European Culture and Languages:
February 3rd Vigil and Animal Sacrifice in Iron Age Britain by Dr Robin Skeates (University of Edinburgh)
February 24th A Sense of the Past in the Past: Revisiting the Neolithic Landscape of the Wessex Region by Dr Joshua Pollard (University of Wales, Newport)
March 10th Archaeology in Pakistan by Dr Ruth Young (University of Leicester)
March 24th Recent Developments in the Study of Ancient Medicine by Professor Philip van der Eijk (University of Newcastle)
All seminars take place from 6-7pm in Cornwallis North West Seminar Room 4.
For further information please contact Dr Patty Baker 01227 827349 p.a.baker@ukc.ac.uk
February 5th Women's Seals: Matrices in the Middle Ages: Stamps of Authority or Seals of Approval? by Jane Spooner
March 5th Classicism in Roman Art by Dr Elias Merker (followed by the President's reception)
April 2nd England, Normandy and Sicily: Architectural Transfers in the Norman Kingdoms by Professor Lisa Reilly
May 7th Accommodating Function? Documenting English Architecture of the 12th and 13th centuries by Peter Draper
Meetings are held in the rooms of the Society of Antiquaries of London, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London W1V 0HS. Non-members are welcome to attend but are asked to make themselves known to the Hon. Director on arrival and to sign the visitors' book.
5, 2 or 1 day practical archaeology training courses at Barcombe Roman villa, East Sussex, part of the third season of research and rescue excavations. Excavation techniques, surveying for archaeologists, archaeological planning and section drawing, geophysical prospecting and on-site conservation. Brochure and application form available on the internet at www.archaeologyse.co.uk or email SAF (AS) to Ms H. Dyer, UCL Field Archaeology Unit, 1 West Street, Ditchling, Hassocks, West Sussex BN6 8TS tel: 01273 845497 email: fau@ucl.ac.uk
By the KAS with the Trust for Thanet Archaeology - see details on centre pages.
Will take place on May 31st at Godinton House, Ashford. Further details will appear in the April newsletter.