KAS Committee Round-Up

Publications Committee

There are at present eighteen members on the Committee. Good progress is being made in preparing an Historical Atlas of Kent, which promises to be a fine publication. The next volume of Archaeologia Cantiana is well on schedule.

Jointly with the Kent History Federation the Committee administers the Kent History Fund, awarding grants to support historical research and publication. During 2002 seven grants were awarded totalling £2,150. Recently it has been resolved that applications can be submitted and considered at any time within a year, provided that the total sum allocated by the Council is not exceeded for that year. £2000 has been allocated for 2003. Details concerning applications appear in the Newsletter.

John Wightman (Chair)

Fieldwork Committee


Fremlins Site Maidstone: development here has already revealed Roman features; inhumation burials and post-medieval buildings. The site is being excavated by the A.O.C. unit.

Margate Football Ground: the rebuilding of the stadium has exposed a ditch containing bone, shell and Iron Age pottery. The site is being excavated by the Trust for Thanet Archaeology.

Dartford Priory Site: earth works here have revealed walls that were once part of the priory. The site is being excavated by the Wessex Archaeological Unit.

Young Archaeologists: the North Downs Group have carried out excavation work on a windmill site at Stelling Minnis. The project was done in conjunction with the K.C.C.

Fieldwork Contacts

Chris Pout. Sunnydene, Boyden Gate Corner, Roebuck Road, Marshside, Nr. Canterbury, CT3 4EE. Tel 01227 860207.

David Bacchus. Telford Lodge, Rochester, Kent, ME1 1UD. Tel 01634 843495 email: d_bacchus@talk21.com

Churches Committee

The Churches Committee welcomed some fifty people on the Spring visit to Hoo Allhallows and St. Margaret’s High Halstow - both likely to be affected by any future Cliffe Airport.

The data bank being built up of all places of worship in the county still requires input from a number of areas. Information should be addressed to the Hon. Sec. KAS Churches Committee, The Library, Maidstone Museum, St. Faith’s Street, Maidstone, ME 14 1LH.

Local churches continue to benefit from our advice on guidebook planning and interpretation of architecture. The 'Ideas and Ideals' series pursues its way into the 17th century in the current edition.

Philip Lawrence (Chair)

Membership Committee

Thirty members joined together for the Spring Social event to Great Chart Church and Godinton House near Ashford. The pleasure of Godinton House even surpassed the pleasure of unusual summer sunshine. The superb example of the Toke family's medieval hall house and its later development was greatly appreciated.

Margaret Lawrence (Sec)

Education Committee

Ian Coulson was appointed new Chair to the Education Committee. Ian has extensive experience working in the education field, in particular as schools Lead History Advisor for the Kent Advisory Service at Kent County Council. The Committee agreed a grant of £5000 towards the work of Canterbury Archaeological Trust’s Education Service for the current year. A further grant of £200 was given to the North Downs Young Archaeologists Club to stage a National Archaeology Day Event in July at the Museum of Kent Life.

Marion Green (Sec)


Abbey Farm Excavation

