National Archaeology Day

Many different archaeological interests within Kent were represented at the National Archaeology Day event in July organised by North Downs Young Archaeologists’ at the Museum of Kent Life, Sandling.

Contributors to the ‘Archaeology in Kent’ exhibition included the KAS, Canterbury Archaeological Trust, Young Archaeologists’ Club – North Downs and Thanet branches, Otford & District Archaeological Group, Thanet Trust for Archaeology, The Roman Painted House at Dover, the University of Kent, Wealden Iron Research Group, Kent History Federation and Crofton Roman Villa.

Andrew Richardson, Finds Liaison Officer for Kent, was on hand with a display about the Portable Antiquities Scheme, identifying finds brought in by members of the public. He also recorded finds made by metal detectorist Jill Davies, who combed the Museum grounds whilst talking to visitors.

Young Archaeologist members and their families managed many different activity stalls, ranging from mosaic making to weaving and ‘living history’ groups set up camp. Giles Guthrie, Keeper of Human History at Maidstone Museum, brought along artefacts relevant to the event’s theme of the late Iron Age and early Roman period. He even managed to display part of a hypocaust!

The co-operation of so many different groups ensured that over 300 visitors were provided with an enjoyable insight into their local archaeology.

[fg]jpg|Visitors fascinated by pottery from Maidstone Museum.|Image[/fg]


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Letters to the Editor, Autumn 2003