Lectures, Conferences, Courses and Events

KAS Events

The KAS History & Archaeology Show

Saturday 5 June at Maidstone Museum

Keep this date free in your diary! Further details will appear in the April newsletter.


Saturday 15 May at Canterbury Christchurch University College

With guest speaker Jill Eddison on 'Romney Marsh: Survival on a Frontier'. Fuller details can be found on page 8.

KAS Churches Committee Outing

Saturday 24 April

You are invited to visit the two east Kent churches of Crundale and Godmersham. We meet at Crundale at 1.45 for 2pm. Tea and biscuits will be provided at Godmersham. Tour £2 (students £1) with £1 for tea. Please return enclosed booking form by 17 April. Replies to Philip Lawrence, Barnfield, Church Lane, East Peckham, Tonbridge TN12 5JJ tel: 01622 871945

KAS Place-Names Field Day

'Place-Names in the Weald' Saturday 17 July 10am-4pm at the Free Church, Staplehurst

Dr Paul Cullen of Nottingham University will give a lecture followed by a power point presentation. Further details and booking forms will appear in the April newsletter.

KAS 'Lectures in the Library' series

All held on Saturdays at 11am in the KAS Library in Maidstone Museum. Tickets £2 each; reservations can be made to pay on arrival by telephoning Denis Anstey on 01634 240015 or email d@deigan.demon.co.uk. Members are reminded that they should sign in and out with their membership card at the museum reception.

  • 24 January - History and Archaeology Research on the Internet by Dr Jacqueline Bower

  • 14 February - Writing up Your Research by Dr Jacqueline Bower. How to approach writing up, whether for an academic essay, a published article or just for pleasure.

  • 13 March - Tonbridge People in the Seventeenth Century by Dr C W Chalklin

Other Events from Around the County


The Great House, from the Roman Villa to the Stately Home: Perspectives & Prospects on Monday 26 to Wednesday 28 January, the Institute of Historical Research

The great house has been an abiding feature of Britain's political, social, economic, cultural and architectural history. Although forms were necessarily varied and divergent across two millennia, there are common themes concerning the functioning and the perception of these great houses. Wide participation is encouraged from individuals, groups, organisations and constituencies with an interest and concern in the great house. Speakers are too numerous to mention here, but include Barry Cunliffe and David Rudkin on villas, the Duke & Duchess of Devonshire on Chatsworth, Simon Jenkins from The Times, Simon Thurley of English Heritage and Ian Coulson of KCC. Representatives of the VCH, Country Life, National Trust, Historic Houses Assoc., Hamlyn Foundation, British Museum and the Institute of Historical Research will also speak.

Cost: £65 Member/Friend of IHR, £95 non-Member, £30 Postgrad or Unwaged.

All sessions take place at the IHR in the Beveridge Hall, Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU. Further details from the Conference Secretary at this address or tel: 020 7862 8740 email: ihrsec@sas.ac.uk

Cobham Hall Study Weekend

16-18 April

One of the greatest of English country houses, this conference will address issues of history and interpretation and will provide an opportunity to look at the history, architecture and setting of this multi-phase house, its park and garden buildings.

Non residential £160, residential £195 per person. All meals are included in the price plus a concert in the Gilt Hall on Saturday.


Images of the Ice Age: Recent work on the earliest art by Dr Paul Bahn

Friday 13 February at 6pm

The annual Darwin Lecture will be given by this leading international authority on Palaeolithic art, in the Lord Bradbourne Lecture Theatre, Keynes College, University of Kent at Canterbury. Paul Bahn has recently discovered the first examples of cave art to be recorded in Britain, at Creswell Crags in Derbyshire. Admission to the lecture is free. Further information from the Communications and Development Office, University of Kent tel: 01227 827829.

Transport through the Ages; by Land, Sea & Air - Council for Kentish Archaeology

Saturday 3 April from 2-5.30pm at the Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School, Faversham

Speakers: Land: Giles Guthrie. 300 years of horse drawn transport at the Tyrwhitt-Drake Museum of Carriages, Maidstone. Sea: Valerie Fenwick. Projects include the Graveney Boat, the Dover Boat and the Goodwin Sands. Air: John F. King, aviation historian. Flying Through Kent. Tickets £4.00 (friends of CKA free), available from CKA (to whom cheque payable), 7 Sandy Ridge, Borough Green TN15 8HP. Please enclose SAE.

Horton Kirby & South Darenth Local History Society

  • 8 March - The History of Silk by Janet Hearn-Gillham

  • 10 May - St Mary's Church by Malcolm Green

  • 12 July - Inland Waterways of Kent 1740-1850 by John Elderston

  • 13 September - The Life of Edward Hasted by Shirley Black

  • 8 November - A Roman Re-enactor by Leslie Allman

All on Monday in the Village Hall, South Darenth at 8pm.

Farningham & Eynsford Local History Society

  • 20 February - Lullingstone Roman Villa by C P Ward (Eynsford Hall)

  • 17 September - The Anglo Saxon Jutes in Kent by Andrew Richardson (Eynsford Hall)

  • 12 November - A Journey along the River Cray by Denise Baldwin (Farningham Hall)

All on Friday at 8pm.


The Science and Conservation of Treasure

Thursday 11 March from 9.30-17.00 at the British Museum

A Study Day to be held in conjunction with the Treasure exhibition and National Science week, exploring many aspects of the archaeology, science and conservation of gold treasures from Britain, from the Bronze Age to the Civil War. Tickets £24, concessions £18, to include entry to the exhibition on the day. Further details and booking forms from P T Craddock. The British Museum, London WC1B 3DG. Tel: 020 7323 8979 Email: pcraddock@british.museum.ac.uk


University College London, Field Archaeology Unit

Five/two/one day practical archaeology training courses at Barcombe Roman Villa, East Sussex as part of the fourth season of research and rescue excavations.

  • Excavation techniques

  • Surveying for archaeologists

  • Archaeological planning & section drawing

  • Geophysical prospecting

  • On-site conservation

Brochure & application form available from website: www.archaeologyse.co.uk or send SAE (A5 size) to Mrs J Brooks, UCL Field Archaeology Unit, 1 West Street, Ditchling, Hassocks, West Sussex BN6 8TS. Tel: 01273 845497, email: fau@ucl.ac.uk, fax: 01273 844187.

Regional Dayschools from the University of Kent

  • 28 February - An Introduction to Greek Art - Christine Spillane at Bridge Wardens' College, Historic Dockyard, Chatham

  • 13 March - Greek and Roman Art & Architecture - Dr Chris Wilson & Rachel Ollerearnshaw at the University Centre, Avebury Avenue, Tonbridge

  • 27 March - The Architecture of the Georgian Age - Hubert Pragnell at The University of Kent, Canterbury

  • 27 March - Local History in Practice – Elizabeth Edwards & Sandra Dunster at Bridge Wardens' College, Historic Dockyard, Chatham

  • 24 April - The Whitefriar's Dig Uncovered - Mark Houliston (Co-Director of Whitefriars Excavations) at University of Kent, Canterbury. Cost £25.00, concessions £12.50. Further details on freephone 0800 975 3777 or email: information@kent.ac.uk


Membership Secretary


KAS Committee Round-Up