A Year to Remember for YAC
2003 has been a great year for the North Downs Young Archaeologists’ Club. We have been involved with many exciting projects, some of which you will already be aware from previous articles in the Newsletter.
This summer our contribution to National Archaeology Day was an event entitled ‘A Century of Change’ held within the Museum of Kent Life. The Cantiacti Living History group were there, as was the Roman Primus Abuteus, both demonstrating aspects of life in the first century AD. North Downs YAC ran a number of activities where people could try their hand at spinning and mosaic making, amongst others. Our young members and the public enjoyed eating the edible torcs they had fashioned and tasting food of the period. As we were dressed in costume, we were greatly appreciative of the glorious sunshine!
During the autumn we learnt about the Portable Antiquities Scheme from Kent’s Finds Liaison Officer, Andrew Richardson, and the children enjoyed using metal detectors to search for their own ‘treasure.’ We investigated the beginnings of writing, creating hieroglyphs on papyrus and cuneiform on clay tablets. We then focused on watermills, with expert Mick Fuller giving a talk, followed by an examination of ancient querns and a taste test of different breads.
Our Roman Christmas Party was also to be remembered. We ate our fill of food (reclining of course!) and were exhausted by the games, so it was great to sit and listen to a fascinating talk by Carenza Lewis from Time Team who joined us for the event.
[fg]jpg|Carenza Lewis surrounded by enthusiastic YAC members|Image[/fg]
Our YAC group is very appreciative of all the time and effort many people put into making our club a success. KAS and Maidstone Museum deserve our thanks, as do the guest speakers who give up a Saturday morning to make our meetings interesting, informative, and enjoyable. The results speak for themselves as our members are a keen and dedicated bunch, happy to turn up regularly despite having been made to fieldwalk in the pouring rain!
[fg]jpg|YAC members proudly display their hieroglyphic calligraphy skills|Image[/fg]
We have an exciting programme ahead, and will keep you up to date with our adventures in future Newsletters.
Happy New Year from North Downs Young Archaeologists’ Club.