
[pg2]As we go to press, the final arrangements for the Society's A.G.M. are going ahead, with preparation of the Newsletter, many pieces of paper that you will receive with this towards the end of April.

I should like to draw your attention to the one giving details of the many members and affiliated Societies taking part in the exhibition of work at the A.G.M.

This is also the time of year when we appeal to members, particularly in Kent and London, to help with the distribution of Vol. 99 (1983), which is due to be published in July of this year. Enclosed is a leaflet giving details of how you may help.

Looking ahead to the Autumn, plans are being made for another Archaeology at Work meeting which will take place on Saturday, 29th September, at the Queen Elizabeth School, Abbey Place, Faversham. Full details of the programme will be circulated with Arch. Cant. the Autumn Newsletter. The workshop will follow the same format as the one held last year at New Ash Green and will comprise a number of exhibitions, practical demonstrations and teach-ins. If there are certain items you would like to see repeated, or have any suggestions as to any other facets of archaeology you would like included, please contact me. To be really successful the active participation of members and affiliated Societies is vital. If you feel that you as an individual, or your Society can help in any way, please let me know.


AGM 1984


Arthur Stuart Beazley