Canterbury’s X-Ray Unit Probes Big Dig Finds
Canterbury Archaeological Trust’s compact Faxitron X-ray analysis unit is working overtime helping to assess thousands of metal artefacts from the Whitefriars series of excavations.
The X-ray equipment was purchased last year following a £6,000 donation from the Friends of the Canterbury Archaeological Trust. This was followed last November by a second donation to fund training for Trust Conservation Assistant Adrian Murphy. He spent two days at Bradford University’s Archaeological X-ray Unit, deepening his understanding of the latest X-ray techniques for non intrusive assessment of metal objects.
Adrian Murphy says: “The Bradford course was very valuable, especially the part of the programme concerned with digitising and enhancing images. This training came at just the right time as we are now very busy with objects from Whitefriars, which range from iron knives, household and architectural fittings, to bronze mounts, coins (for identification) and rather delicate cosmetic items such as tweezers and ear scoops.
[fg]png|Adrian Murphy examines some of the recent X-rays of objects found in Whitefriars.|Image[/fg]
We have two main tasks. The first is to examine objects and identify those which require assessment and conservation by specialists. Here, it is important to set priorities as funds for conservation are limited. Secondly, we are available to provide instant support for experts who may require X-ray photography of particular artefacts.
Thanks to the Friends’ successful fund-raising, we no longer need to despatch these objects around the country for X-ray analysis. We have the equipment at our Canterbury headquarters. It is available at all times and is likely to continue to save money for the Trust for years to come.”
[fg]png|The 5cm diameter disc and its 'instant' X-ray showing the heraldic design.|Image[/fg]
The major advantage of X-ray assessment is that the technique is entirely non destructive. It is also ‘instant’, revealing the original form of a metal object and any fine detail, such as decoration. One recent example is a disc, with a 5 cm diameter and 1 cm thick, found during the Whitefriars excavations. This copper alloy disc bears an heraldic design in relief (possibly part-enamelled).
* Membership of the Friends of the Canterbury Archaeological Trust has been increasing over the past six months. More members are needed, however, to support Canterbury’s professional archaeologists in important tasks, including the processing of the Whitefriars finds. Contact Canterbury Archaeological Trust (on 01227 462062), or complete the form enclosed with this issue, to become a member of the Friends network.