New Acquisitions March-August 2004
Canterbury’s Archaeology 2002-2003.
Bygone Kent Vols.25 Nos. 3,4,5,6,7,8.
Christopher of Seal: A Kentish Family (Anne Clinch).
Fishery Settlements around the North Sea in the Middle Ages and Later.
Study of Place Names of the Pre Conquest Kentish Charters. (PhD Thesis).
Wiltshire Studies Vol. 97. 2004.
Medieval Archaeology Vol. 48. 2004.
Materialhefte Zur Archaeologie (Stuttgart) Heft 56. 2004.
Greater London Quarterly Review, two Vols. March 2004. June 2004. (EH London).
KAS New Records Series Vol. 4, P.1. 2004.
Archaeologische Ligeoise Vol. CII (2000) 2003.
Archaeologische: Romisch Van Zuidost Vlaanderen Vol. XIII. 2002.
Place Names of Shropshire P.4. (L.P.N.S.).
Northamptonshire Archaeology Vol. 30.
Whitstable: History at the Horsebridge. (Geoffrey Pike).
Beauty of East: Kent Countryside and its Churches. (Video). Bonner Jahrbuch, 200 (2003).
Records of Buckinghamshire Vol. 44. 2004.
Beds Cucks Arch Vols. 39.1 and 2. (London Record Society.).
Derbyshire Archaeological Journal Vol. 124. 2004.
Story of the We Crown.
Archaeometry Vol.46 P.2.
History of the Church of St. Michael and All Saints, Throwley. (John Owen.).
Archaeological Cantiana Vol. CXXIV 2004.
Archaeologie in Vlaanderen. Monografie 4.
Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society Vol. 125. 2002.
Archaeological Journal Vol. 160, 2003 (R.A.I.).