Wealden Settlement Study Circle
In September 2002 several people who had been independently researching aspects of late Saxon and post-Conquest settlement of the Weald set up the Wealden Settlement Study Circle, defined as ‘an informal network of people undertaking academically respectable research on the settlement of the Weald of Sussex, Surrey and Kent, particularly in the Saxon and post-Conquest eras, membership of which is by recommendation or invitation.’
There are 15 members, from various parts of Sussex and Surrey, though none as yet from Kent. Although the main interest of most is based on documentary research, allied to study of the landscape, relationships with prehistory on the one hand and modern developments on the other, are not ruled out. Meetings to discuss common interests, held twice or thrice a year in East Grinstead, and personal communications, have helped everyone widen and deepen their knowledge and understanding of their own particular pursuits.
Further information may be obtained from M J Leppard (Convenor).