
A lot of changes have been made to the site behind the scenes, but they are only visible to those who work on the site. A new catalogue of items deposited at Kent Archives will be the next addition to the site. This will prove to be a very valuable research tool enabling researchers to search the many documents deposited by the Society. A catalogue of artefacts owned by the Society is to be added to the site.

A new link will be provided from the site to the forum. A new project has been established to provide an online dictionary of the Kent Dialect.

We intend to add a directory of freelance researchers. Any member of the Society who trades as a researcher may advertise on the site free of charge. Please email your details as you wish them to appear on the site. Please give your name, specialisms, address, telephone number, email address and website. Send your email to kentarchaeology@btconnect.com with the heading Researchers'.


Additions to Library September 04 to January 05


Archaeologia Cantiana Articles Online