A special opportunity for Members in 2006

We are pleased to announce a special opportunity for KAS members to participate in the final phase of excavation at the Ringlemere site in early summer 2006.

The site first came to attention with the discovery by Cliff Bradshaw, of the now famous Ringlemere Bronze Age Gold Cup in 2001. After several seasons of excavation, sponsored by the British Museum and by Cliff, it has been established that the site is of international importance. It now appears that the Cup was not part of a Bronze Age round barrow burial, but was placed inside a much earlier ditched enclosure, probably the first real 'henge' in Kent. Recent work has shown that this henge, over 40 meters in diameter, enclosed a central mound (with a wooden structure, perhaps not unlike the stone cove at Avebury), which was, in turn, part of a Neolithic settlement. Excavation has revealed one of the largest collections (several thousand pieces) in south-east England, of 'grooved ware' pottery, dating from about 2600BC. More than twenty thousand struck flints have also been found. It is also clear that the site remained of significance for a very long time, with more than fifty burials of Anglo-Saxon date already having been found in the area around the henge. For more detailed information see the article on page 10 and 11.

With funds from other sources running out, the KAS Fieldwork Committee has agreed to support one final two-week period to provide an opportunity for members to work on this unique site. This session will run from 22 May to 4 June this year, and will be supervised by Keith Parfitt and other staff from the Canterbury Archaeological Trust. Part of the excavation will focus on the ditch terminals and area around the henge where votive deposits might be expected. There will be the opportunity for the most active members to participate in some serious digging and for the more genteel to assist in finds preparation and recording.

There will not be any charge for participation in the dig, simply a registration fee of £10 to cover administrative expenses, insurance etc.

It is expected that a maximum of 15 places will be available on site at any time and places will be allocated to those registering an interest on a 'first come, first served' basis. It will be possible for members to attend for the whole two-week period or just one week (or even just the weekends). If you would like to take up this unique opportunity to work on such an important site, you should register your interest as soon as possible. In the first instance please email Mike Howard or Chris Pout.


Kent Historic Buildings Committee


Letters to the Editor