Gravesend Publication and Archive

The Gravesend Historical Society still has copies available of its well-illustrated booklet ‘Vagniacs’, about the Romano-British religious centre at Springhead. (Price is £4.25, including postage. Cheque or postal order payable to Gravesend Historical Society.)

The Society is building up a photographic archive of the various archaeological investigations which have taken place over the years at Springhead and the Ebbsfleet Valley. Images of the excavations and artefacts, as well as ‘social’ views, are being collected. Many photographs were taken by visitors during open days or by participants in the excavations. The Society would be grateful for the loan or donation of any photographs or negatives in the possession of readers or others. Anything received would be carefully looked after, with loans returned after copying, and postage refunded.

The address for both requests for the book and for the sending of any images for the archive is: Victor Smith.


Hadlow; Life, Land & People in a Wealden Parish 1460-1600


Strawberry Wood Culvert Project