University of Kent at Canterbury, Archaeology Courses 1984-85

Tutorial Classes (day and evening)

Ashford: The Later Roman Empire and Early Medieval Europe - T. Blagg and V. Webb. Wednesdays 7pm from 3rd Oct., 20 sessions at Adult Education Centre Associate House, Queens Road

Canterbury: Archaeology of the Roman Empire - T. Blagg. Wednesdays 10 am from 10 Oct., 10 sessions at Rutherford College, The University

Dover: Rescue Archaeology in Dover and Kent - B. Philp. Mondays 7pm from 8 Oct., 20 sessions at The Painted House Museum, Market Square

Folkestone: World Archaeology - V. Webb. Tuesdays 10 am from 25 Sept., 20 sessions at Adult Education Centre, Earlscliffe, Shorncliffe Road

Gillingham: The Archaeology of the Mediterranean Region - V. Webb. Mondays 7pm from 24 Sept., 20 sessions at the Adult Education Centre Green St

Margate: Hilderstone Archaeology Workshop - L. Jay. Wednesdays 7.30pm from 3 Oct., 20 sessions at the Adult Education Centre, Cecil Square

Rochester: Introduction to Archaeology - T. Blagg. Thursdays 7.30pm from 4 Oct, 10 sessions at Medway Adult Education Centre, Eastgate

Tonbridge: Towns and Cities of the Roman Empire - T. Blagg. Mondays 7.30pm from 24 Sept, 10 sessions at the Adult Education Centre, Avebury Avenue

Day Schools

Saturday 17th Nov - Rome at the Time of Augustus

Saturday 13th April - Industrial Archaeology - Natural Energy (3rd Conference of SERIAC)

Saturday 1st June - Maritime Archaeology: post-excavation work

all at the University of Kent at Canterbury

Saturday 27th Oct - Anthropology for Archaeologists, at the Powell-Cotton Museum, Birchington

Weekend Courses

30th Nov - 2nd Dec - Greek Cities of the Mediterranean, at Allington Castle, Maidstone

29th - 31st March - The Archaeology of Romney Marsh, at the University of Kent at Canterbury

5th - 7th July - Archaeology for the Blind, at the University of Kent at Canterbury.

Evening Classes

Crayford The History of East Kent: Iron Age to the 19th century - Joy Saynor. Fridays 7.45 pm from 28th Sept., 20 sessions at the Crayford Manor House, May Place East.

Gravesend The Romans in Kent - Deborah French Tuesdays 7.30 pm from 25th Sept, 20 sessions at Victoria Centre, Darnley Rd

Maidstone The History of East Kent: Iron Age to the 19th century - Joy Saynor. Mondays 9.30 am from 24th Sept., 20 sessions at Adult Education Centre St. Faiths St.

Sidcup The History of East Kent: Iron Age to the 19th century - Joy Saynor. Thursdays 1.30 pm from 27th Sept., 22 sessions at Arts Centre, Garsington Road.

Day Meetings

Saturday 29th Sept. - K.A.S. Archaeology at Work, all day at Faversham, admission by free ticket, see page 5.

Saturday 6th Oct. - K.A.S. Building Recorders' Conference at The Church Barn, Charing, 2.30 pm. Admission free. All interested in old buildings welcome. Illustrated talks and discussion.

Saturday 20th Oct - Romney Marsh Workshop, all day at Tenterden, admission by ticket £1. See front page for details.




Day Meetings